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Bayesian approach in pharmacoeconomics: relevance to decision-makers

Pages 237-250 | Published online: 09 Jan 2014


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  • ••Introduces an innovative framework, thenet health benefit approach, for cost-effectiveness analyses. The net health benefit approach was the foundation for many Bayesian applications in pharmacoeconomics, such as the expected value of perfect information approach.
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  • Fryback DG, Stout NK, Rosenberg MA. An elementary introduction to Bayesian computing using WinBUGS. Int. J. Technol. Assess. Healthcare 17(1), 98–113 (2001).
  • ••Provides a user-friendly tutorial of theWindows-based Bayesian Inference Using Gibbs Sampling Software using two easy-to-follow examples.


  • www.nice.org.uk (Accessed May 2003). National Institute for Clinical Excellence. Technical guidance for manufacturers and sponsors (2002).

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