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Rickettsial vaccines: the old and the new

Pages 541-555 | Published online: 09 Jan 2014


  • Moe JB, Pedersen CE Jr. The impact of rickettsial diseases on military operations. Milit. Med. 145,780–785 (1980).
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  • ••Very good review written at the time of thedevelopment of living vaccines for typhus.
  • Wisseman CL Jr. Concepts of louse-borne typhus control in developing countries: the use of the living attenuated E strain typhus vaccine in epidemic and endemic situations. Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. 31,97–130 (1972).
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  • ••Very good review of rickettsial vaccines.
  • Long AP The Army Immunization Program. In: Plvventive Medicine in World Warli Volume HI Personal Health Measures and Immunization, Office of the Surgeon General, Department of the Army, Washington, DC, USA, Chapter VIII, 319–323 (1955).
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  • •Demonstrates for the first time the use of microaff ay technology for the study of rickettsia.
  • Coker C, Majid M, Radulovic S. Development of Rickettsia pro wazekii DNA vaccine. Cloning strategies. Ann. NY Acad. Sci. 990,757–764 (2003).
  • •Discusses the use of the genomic sequence of Rickettsia pro wazekil in selecting potential vaccine candidates.
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  • •Excellent review of murine typhus.
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