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Genetic and epigenetic catalysts in early-life programming of adult cardiometabolic disorders

Pages 575-586 | Published online: 01 Dec 2014


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  • Wei J-N Sung F-C Li C-Y Low birth weight and high birth weight infants are both at an increased risk to have type 2 diabetes among schoolchildren in taiwan Diabetes Care 2003 26 2 343 348 12547860
  • Bygren LO Tinghog P Carstensen J Change in paternal grandmothers’ early food supply influenced cardiovascular mortality of the female grandchildren BMC Genet 2014 15 12 24552514
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  • Andersson EA Pilgaard K Pisinger C Type 2 diabetes risk alleles near ADCY5, CDKAL1 and HHEX-IDE are associated with reduced birthweight Diabetologia 2010 53 9 1908 1916 20490451
  • Zhao J Li M Bradfield JP Examination of type 2 diabetes loci implicates CDKAL1 as a birth weight gene Diabetes 2009 58 10 2414 2418 19592620
  • Horikoshi M Yaghootkar H Mook-Kanamori DO New loci associated with birth weight identify genetic links between intrauterine growth and adult height and metabolism Nat Genet 2013 45 1 76 82 23202124
  • Frayling TM Timpson NJ Weedon MN A common variant in the FTO gene is associated with body mass index and predisposes to childhood and adult obesity Science 2007 316 5826 889 894 17434869
  • Sovio U Mook-Kanamori DO Warrington NM Association between common variation at the FTO locus and changes in body mass index from infancy to late childhood: the complex nature of genetic association through growth and development PLoS Genet 2011 7 2 e1001307 21379325
  • Whitaker RC Pepe MS Wright JA Seidel KD Dietz WH Early adiposity rebound and the risk of adult obesity Pediatrics 1998 101 3 E5 9481024
  • Lappas M Yee K Permezel M Rice GE Release and regulation of leptin, resistin and adiponectin from human placenta, fetal membranes, and maternal adipose tissue and skeletal muscle from normal and gestational diabetes mellitus-complicated pregnancies J Endocrinol 2005 186 3 457 465 16135665