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Original Article

Anatomical Observations on the Vestibular Nuclei, with Special Reference to Their Relations to the Spinal Cord and the Cerebellum

Pages 24-51 | Published online: 08 Jul 2009


  • , This cell group, which was not identified as a particular nucleus in our study (Brodal & Pompciano, 1957a), according to Rossi & Corfesina (1962) contains (in the guinea pig) some 120–150 cells. It is interesting to note that Gacek gives the number ot myelinated efferent vestibular fibres in the cat as being about 200
  • , The rostralmost pari of the descending nucleus contains some fairly large cells as well, but differs in other respects from the lateral nucleus
  • , It is deplorable that the term “nucleus of Deiters” is still sometimes used in a rather loose sense; some authors even appear to consider this term as covering almost the entire vestibular complex. It is especially regrettable that several misleading labellings of this and other nuclei occur in atlases, designed for the use of physiologists for electrode placements
  • , Whether the effects on the nucleus of Deiters elicited from the anterior lobe are mediated by the direct fibres or via the pathway involving the fastigial nucleus has so far not been decided (for a discussion see Brodal, Pompeiano & Walberg, 1962, p. 153 ff.)
  • , The distribution of spinal afferents within the nucleus of Deiters appears to be as in the cat, in the monkey (Mehler, Fefcrman & Nauta, 1960) and in man (Bowsher, 1962)
  • , Reference was made above to the restricted termination of primary vestibular fibres in the forelimb (and neck) region of the lateral vestibular nucleus (see Fig. 10). Thus, the muscles of the neck and forelimb appear to be under a more direct control than the hindlimb muscles of vestibular impulses from the maculae as well as from the cristae
  • , The question of pathways tor vestibular impulses to the hindlimb regions of the nucleus of Deiters was raised in the section on this nucleus, and a circumvential route via the cerebellum was mentioned as a possibility. It will be gathered from the above account, that the only fairly direct way of this type would be by primary vestibular fibres to the nodulus and flocculus (see Fig. 16), and by efferent fibres from these lobuli to the nucleus of Deiters. Investigations with silver impregnation methods might give information whether the latter fibres supply the entire nucleus of Deiters or restricted parts of it only
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