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Medical Radiophysics in Sweden 1920-1950

Pages 191-252 | Published online: 14 Dec 2010


  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1920) Framstallning av radioaktiva preparat for medicinska andamål genom koncentrering av radiumemanation
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1921) Die Intensitatsverteilung der primaren γ-Strahlung in der Nahe medizinischer Radiumpraparate. Acta Radiologica, 1, p. S. 89.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1922) Einige Bemerkungen zu der Abhandlung: W Friedrich und O. Glasser, intensitatsverteilung der γ-Strahlen radioaktiver Substanzen im absorbierenden Medium. Zeitschrift fur Physik, 12, p. S. 243.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1923) Zur Frage der Intensitatsverteilung der γ-Strahlen in der Nahe medizinischer Radiumpraparate. Acta Radiologica, 2, p. S. 70.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1923) A Radium Compensator for Ionization Measurements. Acta Radiologica, 2, p. 156.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1923) Secondary Rays in Radium Therapeutics. Acta Radiologica, 2, p. 268.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1923) Erwiderung auf die vorstehenden Bemerkungen des Herrn O. Glasser. Acta Radiologica, 2, p. S. 436.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1925) Einige Untersuchungen uber Vorrichtungen zum Schutz gegen Rontgenstrahlen. Acta Radiologica, 4, p. S. 61.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1925) A Portable Instrument for the Measurement and Registration of X-Ray Intensity. Acta Radiologica, 4, p. 129.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1926) Einige Untersuchungen uber die Intensit sverteilung bei den im Radiumhemmet gebrauchlichen Distanzbehandlungen. Acta Radiologica, 5, p. S. 217.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1926) Diskussionsinlagg betraffande Doktor E. Bjorlings avhandling: A Method of Measuring Roentgen Rays, Particularly in Skin Therapy. Acta Radiologica, 5, p. 280.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1926) Berichtigung zu dem Aufsatz: Einige Untersuchungen uber die Intensitatsverteilung bei den im Radiumhemmet gebrauchlichen Distanzbehandlungen. Acta Radiologica, 5, p. S. 293.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1926) A Circulating Physical Department for Standardising the Roentgen Radiation Used in Therapy. Acta Radiologica, 5, p. 457.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1926) Einc einfache, zuverlassige Vorrichtung zum Messen von Tiefendosen. Acta Radiologica, 5, p. S. 468.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1926) Untersuchungen uber die an verschiedenen schwedischen Kran-kenhausern zur Erreichung des Hauterythems gebrauchlichen Rontgenstrahlen-mengen, unter Einfuhrung der R-Einheit. Acta Radiologica, 7, p. S. 461.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1927) Något om radiumdukar ur fysikalisk synpunkt, Hygienisk Revy
  • Thoræsus, Robert (1927) On Running Conditions of Therapy Tubes. Acta Radiologica, 8, p. 462.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. Standardization of Roentgen-Dosage in Sweden. Abstracts of Communications at the Second International Congress of Radiology Stockholm
  • ThoræuS, Robert A New Filter for Roentgen Deep Therapy. Abstracts of Communications at the Second International Congress of Radiology Stockholmp. 207.
  • Thoræus, Robert (1929) Description of the Radium Containers Used for Therapy at Radiumhemmet. Acta Radiologica, 10, p. 65.
  • Thoræus, Robert (1929) Rontgenstrålarnas fysik och teknik med hansyn till deras anvandning inom tandlakekonsten, Svensk Tandlakaretidskrift
  • Thoræus, Robert (1929) Radioaktiva fyndigheter och den nuvarande radiumproduktionen. Svensk Kemisk Tidskrift, 41, p. s. 216.
  • Thoræus, Robert (1930) Roentgen Intensity and Milliampereage from Different Constant-Voltage Machines. Acta Radiologica, 10, p. 515.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1930) Die γ-Strahlungsintensitat an der Oberflache und in der nachsten Umgebung von Radiumnadeln. Acta Radiologica, 11, p. S. 249.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. and Benner, Sven (1930) On Secondary β-Rays from the Surface of Radium Containers. Acta Radiologica, 11, p. 303.
  • Benner, Sven (1930) Uber die Schwachung der Radiumstrahlen durch die Wande und die Fussboden in Gebauden. Acta Radiologica, 11, p. S. 310.
  • ThoræuS, Robert (1930) How Far Can Ordinary Milli-Ammeters Be Used for Reading Short-Time Currents?. Acta Radiologica, 11, p. 321.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. and ThoræuS, Robert (1930) Experimental Measurements of the Lead-Equivalents of Various Building Materials. Acta Radiologica, 11, p. 331.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1930) The Methods for Testing Radium Preparations Used by the Physical Laboratory of Radiumhemmet, Stockholm. Acta Radiologica, 11, p. 649.
  • Thoræsus, Robert (1931) On the Proper Use of Different Roentgen-Tubes Regarding the Radiographic Quality in Diagnostic Work. Acta Radiologica, 12, p. 85.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. and Olsson, Ernst (1931) Zur Bestimmung des Mesothor- und Radiothorgehalts von eingekapselten Radiumpraparaten. Acta Radiologica, 12, p. S. 121.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1931) A New Method for Determining the Intensity of γ- and X-Ray Radiation. Acta Radiologica, 12, p. 190.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1931) The Work of the International X-Ray Unit Committee and the International X-Ray and Radium Protection Commission during the III. International Congress of Radiology in Paris 1931, p. 286.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1931) Notes on International Units for Roentgen-and Radium Dosage. Acta Radiologica, 12, p. 300.
  • Benner, Sven (1931) On Secondary β-Rays from the Surface of Radium Containers. Acta Radiologica, 12, p. 401.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. and Arne, Forssberg (1931) The Time Factor in the Biological Action of X-Rays. Acta Radiologica, 12, p. 535.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1931) A New Method for Determining the Intensity of Radium and Roentgen Radiation in the Human Body. Resumes des Communications du III:e Congres International de Radiologie, Paris 1931, p. 218.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. and Forssberg, Arne (1931) The Time Factor in Roentgen Radiations of Extremely Short Duration. Investigations on Drosophila Eggs. Resumes des Communications du III:e Congres Internationa] de Radiologie Parisp. 263.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1932) Eine Methode zur Messung von Rontgen-, Radium- und Ultra-strahlung nebst einige Untersuchungen uber die Anwendbarkeit derselben in der Physik und der Medizin
  • Thoræus, Robert (1932) A Study of the Ionization Method for Measuring the Intensity and Absorption of Roentgen Rays and of The Efficiency of Different Filters used in Therapy
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1932) Ionization at High Gas Pressures. Nature, 129, p. 792.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1932) Eine neue Methode zur Messung der Ultrastrahlung in grossen Wassertiefen. Arkiv for Matematik. Astronomi och Fysik, 23:6
  • Thoræus, Robert (1932) Rontgenstrålarnas anvandning inom den medicinska radiologien. Svenska Fysikersamfundets publikation Kosmos, 10, p. s. 183.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1933) Note Regarding Units of Measurement of Roentgen- and Gamma-Radiation. Acta Radiologica, 14, p. 107.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1933) The New Apparatus for Teleradium Treatment Used at Radiumhemmet. Acta Radiologica, 14, p. 197.
  • Benner, Sven (1933) Intensity Distribution and Dosage in Teleradium Treatment at Radiumhemmet. Acta Radiologica, 14, p. 207.
  • Thoræus, Robert (1933) A Protection Arrangement for the Re-Packing of Radium Bombs. Acta Radiologica, 14, p. 215.
  • Forssberg, Arne (1933) Der Zeitfaktor in der biologischen Wirkung von Rontgenstrahlen. II. Untersuchungen an Algen und Drosophila-Puppen. Acta Radiologica, 14, p. S. 399.
  • Thoræus, Robert (1933) The Protective Power of Lead Rubber. Acta Radiologica, 14, p. 424.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1933) Jonisationsmatning enligt kondensatorkammaremetoden. Elementar Matematik, Fysik och Kemi, 16, p. s. 145.
  • Benner, Sven (1933) Nobelpristagare i fysik 1932-1933: P. A. M. Dirac, W. Heisenberg, E. Schrodinger. Elementar Matematik, Fysik och Kemi, 16, p. s. 193.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1933) On Protection against Radiation in Teleradium Treatment. Acta Radiologica, 14, p. 597.
  • Griffith, Harry D. (1933) A Test of some Methods for Calculating Dosage in Radium Therapy. Acta Radiologica, 14, p. 608.
  • Thoræus, Robert (1933) Ionisation Measurements of the Roentgen Ray Output from Tubes at Different Voltages and with Different Focal Distances. Acta Radiologica, 14, p. 615.
  • Benner, Sven (1933) Strahlungsmessungen an mit radiologischen Arbeiten beschaftigtem Personal. I. Messungen im Diagnostikbetrieb. Acta Radiologica, 14, p. S. 623.
  • (1933) Foredrag och diskussionsinlagg vid Nordiska Foreningens for Medicinsk Radiologi kongress år
  • Benner, Sven (1934) Om belysningsforhållandena vid olika typer av byggnader. Minnes-skrift vid Professor Richard Westlings avgång 2/12 1933. Farmaceutisk revy, 33, p. s. 345.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1934) Uber die Anwendung der Kondensatorkammer fur sowohl Rontgen- wie Gamma-Strahlenmessungen: zugleich ein Beitrag zu den Ver-gleichen der biologischen Wirkungen dieser beiden Strahlenarten. Acta Radiologica, 15, p. S. 193.
  • Thoræus, Robert (1934) Tin Filters in Roentgen Therapy. Acta Radiologica, 15, p. 225.
  • Benner, Sven (1934) The Intensity Distribution around Radium Preparations. Acta Radiologica, 15, p. 291.
  • Sievert, Role M. and Benner, Sven (1934) On a Method for Control of Radium Preparations, Used at Radiumhemmet. Acta Radiologica, 15, p. 309.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1934) Die harte Gammastrahlung und die durchdringende Strahlung irdischen und kosmischen Ursprungs
  • Forsskero, Arne (1934) Uber die Einwirkung der Rontgenbestrahlung auf die Ent-wicklung von Mesotaenium Caldariorum. Acta Radiologica, 15, p. S. 603.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1934) Metoder for strålningsmatningar vid Radiumhemmets fysiska laboratorium. Kosmos, 12, p. s. 170.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1935) Erd-Gamma-Strahlung und Ultrastrahlung. (Hauptreferat, vorgetragen am IV. Internationalen Radiologenkongress in Zurich den 31. Juli 1934.). Acta Radiologica, 16, p. S. 155.
  • Thoræus, R. (1935) Experimental Investigations of some Dosage Conditions in the Technique of Roentgen Treatment Used in Sweden. Acta Radiologica, 16, p. 169.
  • Benner, Sven (1935) Strahlungsmessungen an mit radiologischen Arbeiten beschaf-tigtem Personal. II. Messungen in der Rontgentherapie. Acta Radiologica, 16, p. S. 185.
  • Forssberg, Arne (1935) Uber einige biologischen und biochemischen Wirkungen der Gamma-Strahlen, insbesondere mit Rucksicht auf die gleichzeitige Einwirkung anderer Faktoren (Temperatur, Licht u. s. w.). (Praliminare Mitteilung.). Acta Radiologica, 16, p. S. 204.
  • Benner, Sven and Snellman, Bjorn (1935) On the Therapeutic Importance of the Secondary Beta-Rays. Acta Radiologica, 16, p. 233.
  • Benner, Sven (1935) Om bestrålningsrisker vid rontgendemonstrationer. Elementar Matematik, Fysik och Kemi, 18, p. s. 14.
  • Thoræus, R. (1935) Some Experiences Regarding Villard and Witka Circuited High-Tension Generators in Roentgen Therapy. Acta Radiologica, 16, p. 621.
  • Thoræus, R. (1935) A Portable Secondary Standard for Roentgen Ray Measurements. Acta Radiologica, 16, p. 735.
  • Thoræus, R. (1936) The Wall-Thickness of Roentgen Tubes and its Influence on the Filtration in General and on the Function of the Tin Filter in Special. Acta Radiologica, 17, p. 161.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. and Forssberg, Arne (1936) The Time Factor in the Biological Action of Roentgen Rays. III. Investigations at very short irradiation times. Acta Radiologica, 17, p. 290.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1936) Two Methods of Roentgen Micro-Photography. (Preliminary report.). Acta Radiologica, 17, p. 299.
  • Benner, Sven (1936) An Instrument for Calculating Irradiation Times in Roentgen Therapy. Acta Radiologica, 17, p. 403.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1936) Uber die Wirkung der durchdringenden Umgebungsstrahlung auf die Entwicklungsgeschwindigkeit von Drosophila melanogaster. Strahlentherapie, 56, p. S. 354.
  • Thoræus, R. (1936) A New Method for Calculating Combinations of Tube-Voltage and Filtration and some Results of its Application in Roentgen Therapy. Acta Radiologica, 17, p. 579.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1937) Two Arrangements for Reducing Irradiation Dangers in Teleradium Treatment. Acta Radiologica, 18, p. 157.
  • Thoræus, R. (1937) A Shock-Proof and Ray-Proof Container for Different Types of Roentgen Tubes. Acta Radiologica, 18, p. 236.
  • Benner, Sven (1937) The Intensity Distribution of the New 5 gr Bomb of Radiumhemmet. Acta Radiologica, 18, p. 297.
  • Thoræus, R. (1937) Construction and Properties of a Graphite Condenser Chamber. Acta Radiologica, 18, p. 471.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1937) Dosage Units and the Ionisation Method. Acta Radiologica, 18, p. 742.
  • Thoræus, R. (1937) The Amount of Off-Focus Radiation in Beams from Various Types of Roentgen Tubes. Acta Radiologica, 18, p. 753.
  • Thoræus, R. (1937) Fluid-Cooling Systems for High-Voltage Roentgen Tubes. Acta Radiologica, 18, p. 862.
  • Benner, Sven (1937) A Method of Improving the Economy of Teleradium Treatments. Acta Radiologica, 18, p. 873.
  • Bernstedt, Ragnar (1938) Secondary Radiation from Protective Walls in Hard Roentgen Radiation. Acta Radiologica, 19, p. 85.
  • Thoræus, Robert (1938) Five Years' Experience of Modern Shock-Proof Containers for Roentgen Therapy Tubes. Acta Radiologica, 19, p. 174.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1940) Determination of Ionization in Biological Objects. Acta Radiologica, 21, p. 189.
  • Forssberg, Arne (1940) Some Experiments in Irradiating Drosophila Eggs with Roentgen-Rays and γ-Rays in a Magnetic Field. Acta Radiologica, 21, p. 213.
  • Bernstedt, Ragnar (1940) A Determination of the Dose Constant, R/IMC-Hour. Acta Radiologica, 21, p. 500.
  • Thoræus, Robert (1940) Standard Curves of the Absorption of Roentgen Rays in Aluminium and their Employment for Estimating the Equivalent of the Initial Filtration in Roentgen Tubes. Acta Radiologica, 21, p. 603.
  • Forssberg, Arne (1941) Uber die Reaktionen von Phycomyces Blakesleeanus nach Rontgen- & γ-Bestrahlung. Acta Radiologica, 22, p. S. 252.
  • Thoræus, Robert (1941) A Small Ionization Chamber Able to Serve as a Portable Substitute for a Standard Chamber. Acta Radiologica, 22, p. 260.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1941) Zur theoretisch-mathematischen Behandlung des Problems der biologischen Strahlenwirkung. Acta Radiologica, 22, p. S. 237.
  • Benner, Sven (1941) The Physical Determination of the Dosage and Treatment Times Required in the Packing Method. Acta Radiologica, 22, p. 82.
  • Thoræus, Robert (1941) A Light-Weight Compressing Tubediaphragm for Roentgen Therapy. Acta Radiologica, 22, p. 848.
  • Thoræus, Robert (1942) Bemerkungen zu dem Aufsatz von Prof. Dr. Saupe E. in Strahlenther., p. S. 190.
  • Forssberg, Arne (1943) Studien uber einige biologische Wirkungen der Rontgen- und γ-Strahlen, insbesondere am Phycomyces Blakesleeanus
  • Benner, Sven , Kjellberg, Sven Roland and Sjostrand, Torgny (1944) On the Possibility of Studying the Function of the Heart with the Aid of Roentgen-cinematography. Acta Radiologica, 25, p. 175.
  • Benner, Sven (1944) Fehler in Rontgenrohren, die mit Hilfe von Gammastrahlen-aufnahmen nachgewiesen werden konnten. Acta Radiologica, 25, p. S. 414.
  • Thoræus, Robert (1944) Tube Voltage Calibration of Roentgen Diagnostic Installations. Acta Radiologica, 25, p. 840.
  • Forssberg, Arne (1945) Action of X-Rays on Catalasc and its Biological Significance. Arkiv for Kemi, Mineralogi och Geologi, 21
  • Forssberg, Arne and Jacobsson, F. (1946) Studies on the Brown-Pearce Rabbit-Carcinoma with the Aid of Radioactive Isotopes. Acta Radiologica, 26, p. 523.
  • Forssberg, Arne (1946) A Study of the Distribution of Radioactive Phosphorus in three Cases of Cancer. Acta Radiologica, 27, p. 88.
  • Heyman, J. and Benner, Sven (1946) Further Experience with Radiotherapy in Cancer of the Corpus of the Uterus. Acta Radiologica, 27, p. 328.
  • Eklund, S. and Benner, Sven (1946) Radiation Measurements on a Continuously Evacuated Roentgen Tube for 400 kV. Acta Radiologica, 27, p. 264.
  • Forssberg, Arne (1946) The Action of Roentgen Rays on the Enzyme Catalase. Acta Radiologica, 27, p. 281.
  • Nordenson, Nils G. (1946) Blood Changes in Radiologic Work. Acta Radiologica, 27, p. 416.
  • Thoræus, R. (1946) A Trielectrode Standard Air-Ionization Chamber for Roentgen Ray Measurements in R-Units. Acta Radiologica, 27, p. 451.
  • Benner, Sven (1946) An Instrument for Calculating Roentgen Ray Doses from Condenser Chamber Readings. Acta Radiologica, 27, p. 243.
  • Hklde, Matts (1946) The Connexion between Roentgen Ray Risks for Workers and Changes in their Blood Pictures. Acta Radiologica, 27, p. 308.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1947) Tillsynen av odontologiskt rontgenarbete, dess syften och berattigande. Svensk Tandlakare-Tidskrift, 6, p. s. 735.
  • Forssberg, Arne (1947) Mechanism of the Action of X-Rays on Enzymes in Water-Solution. Nature, 159, p. 308.
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1947) The Tolerance Dose and the Prevention of Injuries Caused by Ionizing Radiations. Brit. Journ. of Radiol., 20, p. 306.
  • Seeberg, Georg (1947) Intradermal Reactions of the Delayed Type in Relation to the Absorptive Behaviour of the Skin. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, 27
  • Sievert, Rolf M. (1947) Two Automatic Methods for Measuring Condenser Chambers. Acta Radiologica, 28, p. 784.
  • Nicolaeff, A. and Thoræus, R. (1947) Small-Scale Dosage Trials for Preparatory Studies in Radiological Treatment. Acta Radiologica, 28, p. 776.
  • Benner, Sven (1947) A New Teleradium Apparatus. Acta Radiologica, 28, p. 765.
  • Forssberg, A. and Jacobsson, F. (1947) The Influence of Radioactive Phosphorus on Tumour Growth in Mouse Tumour C. 2146 and Brown-Pearce Rabbit Carcinoma. Acta Radiologica, 28, p. 391.
  • Wahlberg, T. (1948) A Method for the Determination of the Radiation Dose Produced by Artificial Radioactive Substances in Tissue. Acta Radiologica, 30, p. 291.
  • Liden, K. (1948) Depth Dose Measurements in the Esophagus in Roentgen Rotation Therapy. Acta Radiologica, 30, p. 64.
  • Liden, K. (1948) The Intensity Distribution of the 2 gr Teleradium Unit of the King Gustaf V's Jubilee Clinic in Lund. Acta Radiologica, 30, p. 76.
  • Skoldborn, H. (1950) Light Energy and Spectral Distribution of Some Iniportant X-Ray Screens. Journ. Appl. Physics, 21

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