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The Physiologist Ewald Hering (1834–1918): Curriculum vitae

Pages 39-49 | Received 31 Dec 2014, Accepted 31 Dec 2014, Published online: 13 Jan 2015


  • Hering E. Eine Methode zur Beobachtung und Zeitbestimmung des ersten positiven Nachbildes kleiner bewegter Objecte. Pflüger’s Archiv für die gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere 1909;126:604–609
  • Welch WH. The evolution of modern scientific laboratories. Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution to July 1895. Washington, 1896; p493 cited by Schröer H: Carl Ludwig. Begründer der messenden Experimental-Physiologie 1816 – 1895. Stuttgart, 1967
  • On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the death of Carl Ludwig a symposium was held in May 1995 in Leipzig, with contributions documented in Pflüger’s Archiv, supplement volume 432, 1996
  • Rothschuh KE. Geschichte der Physiologie. Berlin, 1953, p128–p129
  • Hering E. Beleuchtung eines Angriffes auf die Theorie der Gegenfarben. Pflüger’s Archiv für die gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere 1887;41:29–46. Hering E. Ueber die von von Kries wider die Theorie der Gegenfarben erhobenen Einwände. I. Ueber die Unabhängigkeit der Farbengleichungen von den Erregbarkeitsänderungen des Sehorgans. Pflüger’s Archiv für die gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere 1888;42:488–506. Hering E. Ueber die von v. Kries wider die Theorie der Gegenfarben erhobenen Einwände. II. Ueber successive Lichtinduction und sogenannte negative nachbilder. Pflüger’s Archiv für die gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere 1888;43:264–288. Hering E. Ueber die von v. Kries wider die Theorie der Gegenfarben erhobenen Einwände. III. Ueber die sogenannten Ermüdungserscheinungen Pflüger’s Archiv für die gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere 1888;43:329–346
  • Von Kries J: Die Gesichtsempfindungen in: Handbuch der Physiologie des Menschen (Nagel W, ed.). III. Physiologie der Sinne, p109–282. Braunschweig, 1905, p269
  • Professor in Kiel since 1866. Mályusz M: Das Physiologische Institut der Christian-Albrecht-Universität in Kiel in Physiologie: Forschung, Lehre, Öffentlichkeit. Publication of the German Physiological Society, vol 9, Bochum, October 1997
  • Leipzig University archive, personnel file 1391 Ewald Hering
  • Archive of the Karls-University Prague, personnel file Ewald Hering
  • A tenure process practically completed after three months is unthinkable in our modern German universities
  • Leipzig University archive, personnel file Ewald Hering. All that time he lived in the Institute, Liebigstraβe 16 I
  • According to Garten S (Ewald Hering zum Gedächtnis. Pflügers Archiv 1918;170:501–522 115 scientific works developed under Hering’s supervision
  • Hering E. Five Speeches. Hering HE, ed. Leipzig, 1921
  • Hering E: Grundzüge der Lehre vom Lichtsinn in Handbuch der gesamten Augenheilkunde (Graefe A und Saemisch Th, Hg.), I.Teil. XII. Kapitel (appeared in 4 serial parts) Leipzig 1905, 1907,1911; Berlin 1920
  • Hering E. Grundzüge der Lehre vom Lichtsinn in: Handbuch der gesamten Augenheilkunde. Second edition (Axenfeld Th and Elschnig A, eds.), Vol III, Physiologische Optik, chapter XII. Berlin, 1925. Footnote 1 on page 1
  • Hering’s text corresponded to 16 print sheets or 256 pages. During his lifetime he published three volumes in 1905, 1907, and 1911, comprising 5 print sheets each or a total of 240 pages. Who wanted to read the last 16 pages of his text had to wait until 1920. Only then the first complete version appeared once the publisher of the Handbuch der gesamten Augenheilkunde had changed. The copyright was transferred from Wilhelm Engelmann in Leipzig to Julius Springer in Berlin
  • Binocular rivalry occurs when very different stimuli are projected on corresponding retinal areas, such as different typefaces. Then no binocular fusion emerges. Instead, only one image is seen in each case while the other is suppressed. The term introduced by Hering “binocular rivalry” has been preserved until today in the scientific terminology
  • Carl Hess (1863 – 1923) who had first assisted Sattler in the Department of Ophthalmology in Prague, then worked for Hering on issues of color sense and color vision disorders. He later became a well-known ophthalmologist, who headed the university hospitals in Marburg, Würzburg and Munich, consecutively. After Hering's death, Hess was responsible for the completion of the Handbook article “Fundamentals of the theory of light sense” in the Graefe – Saemisch's Handbook of the Entire Ophthalmology
  • The neuroscientist is reminded here of axonal transport, the existence of which is considered a proven since the late 40s of the 20th century
  • Personal communication of the archivist of the academy, Dr. Doering, on April 4th, 2001. The academy has, by war damage, lost almost its entire archive material, so that no record on Hering’s activities can be found there
  • Hering E. Ueber die Grenzen der Sehschärfe. Berichte der mathematisch-physischen Classe der Königl. Sächs. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, naturw. Teil. 1899,16–24
  • A vernier is an auxiliary scale used for length measurement, which permits the reading of fractions of the main scale along with a main scale. Essential for the length to be determined are those tick marks of both scales that coincide, i.e. the position of which cannot be distinguished
  • The lateral disparity is a measure of the difference between the images in binocular vision
  • With C. Hess: Hering E. Untersuchungen an Totalfarbenblinden (gemeinsam mit C. Hess, Marburg). Pflüger’s Archiv für die gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere. 1898;71:105–127. With H. Pereles (Pretori): Hering E. Ueber die anomale Localisation der Netzhautbilder bei Strabismus alternans. Deutsches Archiv für klinische Medizin. 1899;64:15–32. With A. Brückner: Hering E. Ueber die von der Farbenempfindlichkeit unabhängige Aenderung der Weissempfindlichkeit. Nach Versuchen von A. Brückner und E. Hering. Pflüger’s Archiv für die gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere 1903;94:533–554
  • Saxon Main State Archive, Ministery of Education 10166/3: Physiological Institute of the University of Leipzig III, Volume III 1895–1916. This archive document comprises about 300 sheets
  • Rothschuh KE: Geschichte der Physiologie. Berlin, 1953. p156–157
  • von Frey M: Der laugige Geruch. Pflügers Archiv 1910;136:275–281
  • Saxon Main State Archive, Ministry of Education 10166/3, sheet 13
  • Garten S. Herings Farbenmischapparat für spektrale Lichter. Zeitschrift für Biologie 1920;72:89–100
  • Hering E: Das Physiologische Institut in Festschrift zur Feier des 500jährigen Bestehens der Universität Leipzig herausgegeben von Rektor und Senat. 3. Band. Leipzig 1909
  • Saxon Main State Archive Ministry of Education 10166/3 sheet 49
  • Hering E: Das Physiologische Institut in Festschrift zur Feier des 500jährigen Bestehens der Universität Leipzig herausgegeben von Rektor und Senat. 3. Band. Leipzig 1909
  • Hering E. Ueber die Herstellung stereoskopischer Wandbilder mittelst Projectionsapparates. Pflüger’s Archiv für die gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere 1901;87:229–238. The technique is called today the anaglyph procedure
  • Saxon Main State Archive Ministry of Education 10166/3 sheet 218–220
  • Leipzig University archive, Medical Faculty AI 81 vol 6 to 8
  • Leipzig University archive, personnel file 1391 Ewald Hering, page 392
  • Personnel and course catalog of the University of Leipzig, summer 1895 and following
  • Hering had by his own account “tried in vain for the creation of an independent Institute of Physiological Chemistry” endeavor (Hering 1909)
  • Personnel and course catalog of the University of Leipzig from 1894 to 1897
  • Saxon Main State Archive Ministry of Education 10166/3 sheet 171, 175 and 177. The first to benefit from these position upgrades was Rudolf Dittler (1881–1959)
  • Saxon Main State Archive Ministry of Education 10166/3 sheet 190
  • Saxon Main State Archive Ministry of Education 10166/3 sheet 169 and 170 refer to appointments issued in 1906 and included the names, birthdays and job titles of four employees
  • Bruno Franz Hofmann (1869 – 1926) went with Hering to Leipzig and became associate professor of physiology in 1903. He received in 1905 his first call to a professorship in Innsbruck. By further calls he came back in 1911 to Prague, then to Königsberg, Marburg, Bonn and Berlin
  • Bielschowsky later held the chairs of ophthalmology in Marburg (from 1912) and Breslau (1923–1934). Bielschowsky had to stop his work in Breslau early because he was a Jew. He left Germany and continued his studies in the United States
  • Sattler and Hering were faculty colleagues both in Prague and in Leipzig. About Sattler: Biographisches Lexikon der hervorragenden Ärzte der letzten 50 Jahre. 1880 – 1930. (I. Fischer, Hg). 2 Bände, Berlin und Wien 1932 – 1933, p.1365. Details about Sattler can also be found in the monograph Kaufmann AK. Alfred Bielschowsky (1871 – 1940). Ein Leben für die Strabologie. Deutsche Hochschulschriften 1042. Egelsbach, Frankfurt (Main), Washington, 1994
  • Hofmann FB, Bielschowsky A. Über die der Willkür entzogenen Fusionsbewegungen der Augen. Pflügers Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie 1900;80:1–40. Hofmann FB and Bielschowsky A. Die Verwertung der Kopfneigung zur Diagnostik von Augenmuskellähmungen aus der Heber- und Senkergruppe. Graefes Archiv für Ophthalmologie 1900;51:174–185
  • Bielschowsky A. Ewald Hering. Nachruf. Klinische Monatsblätter für Augenheilkunde 1918;60:818–825
  • Bielschowsky A. Nachruf auf FB Hofmann. Zeitschrift für Sinnesphysiologie [Zeitschrift für Psychologie und Physiologie der Sinnesorgane: Abteilung 2] 1926/27;58:1–4
  • Therefore you will not find his name in the list of staff of the University of Leipzig. In documents in the Saxon Main State Archive the name emerges, however, on several occasions. More biographical data in Biographisches Lexikon der Deutschen Medizinischen Fakultät in Prag 1883 – 1945 (L. Hlaváčková u. P. Svobodný, eds). Prague, 1998, p215
  • Some of his students became renowned ophthalmologists, but this cannot be presented here
  • von Tschermak A. Licht- und Farbensinn in Handbuch der normalen und pathologischen Physiologie (Bethe A, von Bergmann G, Embden G und Ellinger A, eds.). Vol XII/1 Receptionsorgane II, Photoreceptoren I, p295–501, Berlin 1929, Vol XII/1 Receptionsorgane II, Photoreceptoren I, p550–593, Berlin 1929, Vol XII/2 Receptionsorgane II, Photoreceptoren II, p834–1000, Berlin 1931, Vol XII/2 Receptionsorgane II, Photoreceptoren II, p1001–1094, Berlin 1931
  • It stated in the decree of the president of the Czechoslovak Republic of October 18th, 1945: “§1. The German University in Prague that went down on May 5th, 1945, the first day of the uprising of the people of Prague, is canceled forever as one of the Czech people hostile institution “. German translation quoted from Koerting W. Die Deutsche Universität in Prag. Die letzten hundert Jahre ihrer Medizinischen Fakultät. Bonn, 1968
  • von Tschermak–Seysenegg A. Leitfaden der Physiologie. Berlin-München, 1949. His position in Regensburg was designated “Head of the chair of physiology at the external Regensburg location of the Medical Faculty of the University of Munich.” Tschermaks full name was Armin von Tschermak-Seysenegg, however, he has published many of his scientific work under the name A. Tschermak
  • Staff and course catalog of the University of Leipzig, summer 1897
  • Burian R and Schur H. Ueber die Stellung der Purinkörper im menschlichen Stoffwechsel. Pflügers Archiv 1900;80:241–343 and 1901;87:239–354. Burian R and Schur H. Das quantitative Verhalten der menschlichen Harnpurinausscheidung. Pflügers Archiv 1903;94:273–336
  • Burian R. Chemie der Spermatozoen I. Ergebnisse der Physiologie. 1904;3(part 1: Biochemistry):48–106, p80
  • Burian R. Chemie der Spermatozoen II. Ergebnisse der Physiologie. 1906,5(part 1 and 2: Biochemistry, Biophysics and Psychophysics):768–846, p846
  • Olby R. The path to the double helix. The discovery of DNA. New York, 1994. Without reading this monograph an appropriate tribute to Burian would not have been possible for me
  • In Naples he became head of the department of physiology in the faculty of zoology, in Belgrade, he was appointed professor of Physiology at the newly established medical school and led his institute to international reputation. Following his retirement in 1941 he initially remained in Belgrade, but moved to the family of his son Hermann in the United States in 1947, where he died in 1954. Hermann Burian (1906–1974) was a renowned ophthalmologist who was introduced by Alfred Bielschowsky to Hering’s contributions to ophthalmology (Kaufmann AK. Alfred Bielschowsky (1871 – 1940). Ein Leben für die Strabologie. Deutsche Hochschulschriften 1042. Egelsbach, Frankfurt (Main), Washington, 1994). Biographical information on Richard Burian can be found in: Biographisches Lexikon der hervorragenden Ärzte der letzten 50 Jahre. 1880 – 1930. (Fischer I, ed.). 2 volumes, Berlin and Vienna 1932 – 1933 p203 and in Peter Voswinckel: Supplement to Biographical encyclopedia of excellent doctors from 1932–33
  • Frank O. Siegried Garten zum Gedächtnis. Zeitschrift für Biologie 1924;81:1–4. Sulze W. Nachruf auf Siegfried Garten. Deutsches Biographisches Jahrbuch V, 101–103, Berlin and Leipzig, 1923
  • For further details about Garten and Sulze see Klingmann T. Die Entwicklung der Physiologie in Gieβen von 1905 bis 1938. PhD thesis at the medical faculty. Gieβen, 1995
  • Ernst Theodor von Brücke was a grandson of professor Ernst Brücke in Vienna (1819–1892)
  • Brückner A, von Brücke ET. Zur Frage der Unterscheidbarkeit rechts– und linksäugiger Gesichtseindrücke. Pflügers Archiv 1902;90:290–302
  • International Biographical Dictionary of Central European Emigrés 1933–1945, Vol II, part 1, Munich, 1983, p161
  • Dictionary of Scientific Biography (C.C.Gillispie, ed.) Eight volume edition. Charles Scribner’s sons. New York 1981. Vol 5, p64-66
  • Jarisch A. Ernst Theodor von Brücke (1880–1941). Ergebnisse der Physiologie 1944;45:1–11
  • Saxon Main State Archive Ministry of Education 10166/3, sheet 175 and 177
  • Saxon Main State Archive Ministry of Education 10166/3, sheet 254: letter to the ministry of August 17th, 1914. Professor Siegfried wrote on behalf of the diseased institute director Hering
  • The personal data of Dittler were taken from Kürschners Deutscher Gelehrten-Kalender. Berlin 1940/41, 1961, 1966
  • Handwörterbuch der Naturwissenschaften. 2nd edition, Gustav Fischer, Jena, 1931–1935
  • Dittler R. Allgemeine Registriertechnik, p1-80 in: Handbuch der biologischen Arbeitsmethoden (Abderhalden E, ed), part V: Organfunktionen, Teil 1: Allgemeine Methoden. Berlin and Vienna, 1930
  • Carl Hess (1863 – 1923), who had first worked with Sattler in the Department of Ophthalmology in Prague, then worked for Hering in Prague on issues of color sense and color sense disorders. He later became a well-known ophthalmologist, who headed the university eye clinics in Marburg, Würzburg and Munich
  • I owe this source to Dipl.-Ing. ETH Ekkehard Brückner, a son of the ophthalmologist who has authorized me cite the quotes relevant to Hering. Arthur Brückner has dictated these parts of his memoirs in March and May, 1949. They are contained in a typewriter manuscript
  • Hering E. Ueber die von der Farbenempfindlichkeit unabhängige Aenderung der Weissempfindlichkeit. Nach Versuchen von A. Brückner und E. Hering. Pflüger’s Archiv für die gesammte Physiologie des Menschen und der Thiere 1903;94:533–554
  • Eduard Friedrich Wilhelm Plüger (1829–1910) was professor of physiology in Bonn from 1859 until his death. He became well known as the editor of the still existing Archiv für die gesamte Physiologie
  • Hering's wife died in December 1903, a few months after the end of the Brückner’s stay in Leipzig
  • Garten’s best friend, Walter Sulze, describes in his obituary of Siegfried Garten (Sulze W. Nachruf auf Siegfried Garten. Deutsches Biographisches Jahrbuch V, 101–103, Berlin and Leipzig, 1923) his “kindness which he tried to hide behind his rumbling being in vain”

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