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The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Particulate Matter Supersites Program: An Integrated Synthesis of Scientific Findings and Policy- and Health-Relevant Insights

Pages s-1-s-92 | Published online: 28 Feb 2012


  • National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter: Final Rule. 40 CFR Parts 50, 53, and 58. Fed. Regist. 1997, 62 (138). U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air and Radiation, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards: Research Triangle Park, NC; available at http://www.epa.gov/ttn/oarpg/t1/fr_notices/pmnaaqs.pdf (accessed 2008).
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  • Solomon, P.A.; Chameides, W.; Weber, R.; Middlebrook, A.; Kiang, C.S.; Russell, A.G.; Butler, A.; Turpin, B.; Mikel, D.; Scheffe, R.; Cowling, E.; Edgerton, E.; St John, J.; Jansen, J.; McMurry, P.; Hering, S.; Bahadori, T. Overview of the 1999 Atlanta Supersite Project; J. Geophys. Res. 2003, 108(D7), 8413; doi: 10.1029/2001JD001458.
  • Watson, J.G.; Chow, J.C.; Bowen, J.L.; Lowenthal, D.H.; Hering, S.; Ouchida, P.; Oslund, W. Air Quality Measurements from the Fresno Supersite;J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc. 2000, 50, 1321–1334.
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  • Middlebrook, A.; Turner, J.; Solomon, P.A. Preface: Special Issue of Atmospheric Environment for Particulate Matter: Atmospheric Sciences, Exposure, and the Fourth Colloquium on PM and Human Health;Atmos. Environ. 2004, 38, 5179–5181.
  • Ondov, J.; Davidson, C.; Solomon, P.A. Preface: Special Issue of Aerosol Science and Technology for Particulate Matter: Atmospheric Sciences, Exposure, and the Fourth Colloquium on PM and Human Health; Aerosol Sci. Technol.2004, 38 (Suppl. 2), 1–2.
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  • Hering, S.V.; Cass, G.R. The Magnitude of Bias in the Measurement of PM2.5 Arising from Volatilization of Particulate Nitrate from Teflon Filters;J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc. 1999, 49, 725–733.
  • Pang, Y.; Eatough, N.L.; Wilson, J.; Eatough, D.J. Effect of Semi-Volatile Material on PM2.5 Measurement by the PM2.5 Federal Reference Method Sampler at Bakersfield, California;Aerosol Sci. Technol. 2002, 36, 289–299.
  • Long, R.W.; Eatough, N.L.; Mangelson, N.F.; Thompson, W.; Fiet, K.; Smith, S.; Smith, R.; Eatough, D.J.; Pope, C.A.; Wilson, W.E. The Measurement of PM2.5, Including Semi-Volatile Components, in the EMPACT Program: Results from the Salt Lake City Study;Atmos. Environ. 2003, 37, 4407–4417.
  • Jaques, P.A.; Ambs, J.L.; Grant, W.L.; Sioutas, C. Field Evaluation of the Differential TEOM Monitor for Continuous PM2.5 Mass Concentrations; Aerosol. Sci. Technol. 2004, 38 (Suppl. 1), 49–59.
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  • Grover, B.D.; Kleinman, M.; Eatough, N.L.; Eatough, D.J.; Hopke, P.K.; Long, R.W.; Wilson, W.E.; Meyer, M.B.; Ambs, J.L. Measurement of Total PM2.5 Mass (Nonvolatile Plus Semi-Volatile) with the Filter Dynamic Measurement System Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance Monitor; J. Geophys. Res. 2005, 110, D07S03; doi: 10.1029/2004JD004995.
  • Schwab, J.J.; Felton, H.D.; Rattigan, O.V.; Demerjian, K.L. New York State Urban and Rural Measurements of Continuous PM2.5 Mass by FDMS, TEOM, and BAM;J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc. 2006, 56, 372–383.
  • Wilson, W.E.; Grover, B.D.; Long, R.W.; Eatough, N.L.; Eatough, D.J. The Measurement of Fine Particulate Semivolatile Material in Urban Aerosols;J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc. 2006, 56, 384–397.
  • Cui, W.; Eatough, D.E.; Eatough, N.L. Fine Particulate Organic Material in the Los Angeles Basin I: Assessment of the High-Volume Brigham Young University Organic Sampling System, Big BOSS;J. Air & Waste Manage. Assoc. 1998, 48, 1024–1037.
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  • Mader, B.T.; Schauer, J.J.; Seinfeld, J.H.; Flagan, R.C.; Yu, J.Z.; Yang, H.; Lim, H.J.; Turpin, B.J.; Deminter, J.T.; Heidemann, G.; Bae, M.S.; Quinn, P.; Bate, T.; Eatough, D.J.; Huebert, B.J.; Bertram, T.; Howell, S. Sampling Methods Used for the Collection of Particle-Phase Organic and Elemental Carbon during ACE-Asia;Atmos. Environ. 2003, 37, 1435–1449.
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