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Social Science

The manifold definitions of time

Las múltiples definiciones del tiempo

Les diverses définitions du temps


  • SaintAugustine.Confessions. Book XI, Chapter XIV. Outler AC, trans. Philadelphia, PA: Westminster Press;1955
  • Heracleitus, quoted by Plato.Cratylus. 55 [402a]. Jowett B, trans. New York, NY: C. Scribner & Sons,1871
  • MarcusAureliusThe Meditations. Book IV, 43. Long G, trans. London, UK: Chesterfield Society;1862
  • HallET.The Dance of Life. Chapter 3. New York, NY: Anchor Press/Doubleday;1983
  • KleinE.Les tactiques de Chronos. Chapter XIX. Paris, France: Flammarion, Champs-essais;2004
  • AristotlePhysics. Book IV. Chapter 11 [219b 1]. Hardie RP, Gaye RK, trans. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press;1930
  • AristotlePhysics. Book IV. Chapter 11 [219b 5]. Hardie RP, Gaye RK, trans. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press; 1930
  • AristotlePhysics. Book IV. Chapter 11 [220a 5]. Hardie RP, Gaye RK, trans. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press;1930
  • AristotlePhysics. Book IV. Chapter 12 [220b 5]. Hardie RP, Gaye RK, trans. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press;1930
  • AristotlePhysics. Book IV. Chapter 12 [223a 25]. Hardie RP, Gaye RK, trans. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press;1930
  • AristotlePhysics. Book IV. Chapter 11 [218a 5]. Hardie RP, Gaye RK, trans. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press;1930
  • PlotinusThe Third Ennead. Book VI [195]. MacKenna S, Page BS, trans. Chicago, IL: Encyclopaedia Britannica;1952
  • Saint AugustineConfessions. Book XI. Chapter XIV. 17. Outler AC, trans. Philadelphia, PA: Westminster Press;1955
  • PlatoTimaeus. 37d. Jowett B, trans. New York, NY: C. Scribner & Sons,1871
  • Saint AugustineConfessions. Book XI. Chapter XXVII. 35. Outler AC, trans. Philadelphia, PA: Westminster Press;1955
  • LucretiusDe Natura Rerum. Book I. 460-482. Leonard WE, trans. New York, NY: E. P. Dutton;1916
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  • KantI.Critique of Pure Reason, Transcendental Aesthetic. §2.1. 1781. Smith NK, trans. London, UK: Macmillan;1929
  • KantI.Critique of Pure Reason, Transcendental Aesthetic. §4.2. Smith NK, trans. London, UK: Macmillan;1929
  • KleinE.Le temps existe-t-il?. Lecture of April 5, 2004, Université Pierre et Marie Curie.
  • AristotlePhysics. Book IV. Chapter 11 [218b 30]. Hardie RP, Gaye RK, trans. Oxford, UK: Clarendon Press;1930
  • Old Testament. Genesis, 3.22. Bible, King James version. London, UK: Robert Barker;1611
  • KleinE.Les tactiques de Chronos. Chapter IV. Paris, France: Flammarion, Champs-essais;2004
  • SchiblerU.The daily timing of gene expression and physiology in mammals.Dialogues Clin Neurosci.2007925727217969863
  • AugusteForelMémoire du temps et association des souvenirs chez les abeilles. 1906. Paris, France: Bulletin de I'lnstitut général psychologique. Volume 6,1906
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  • EaglemanDM.Human time perception and its illusions. Curr Opin Neurobiol.20081813113618639634
  • MorronMC.RossJ.BurrD.Saccadic eye movements cause compression of time as well as space.Nat Neurosci.2005895095415965472
  • StetsonC.CuiX.MontaguePR.EaglemanDM.Motor-sensory recalibration leads to an illusory reversal of action and sensation.Neuron.20065165165916950162
  • WittgensteinL.Tractatus logico-philosophicus.6.3611. London, UK: Kegan Paul;1922
  • WittgensteinL.Tractatus logico-philosophicus. 2.0251. London, UK: Kegan Paul;1922
  • WittgensteinL.Tractatus logico-philosophicus, 6.4312. London, UK: Kegan Paul;1922
  • Saint AugustineConfessions, Book XI, Chapter XXV, 32. Outler AC, trans. Philadelphia, PA: Westminster Press;1955