CrossRef citations to date


  • Aalto University. Mental wellbeing and health. 2013. https://into.aalto.fi/display/fiopintopsykologi/Henkinen+hyvinvointi+ja+mielenterveys (Accessed 2014-06-03)..
  • Baddley A. D. Human memory. Theory and practice. 1994; Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum.
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  • Burden R. L. Dyslexia and self-concept. 2005; London: Whurr.
  • Burden R. L. Is dyslexia necessarily associated with negative feelings of self-worth? A review and implications for future research. Dyslexia. 2008; 14(3): 188–196.
  • Camahalan F. M. G. Effects of a metacognitive reading program on the reading achievement and metacognitive strategies of students with dyslexia. Reading Improvement. 2006; 43(2): 77–93.
  • Chard G., Couch R. Access to higher education for the disabled student: a building survey at the University of Liverpool. Disability & Society. 1998; 13(4): 603–623.
  • Dale M., Taylor B. How adult learners make sense of their dyslexia. Disability & Society. 2001; 16(7): 997–1008.
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  • Fink R. P. Successful dyslexics: a constructivist study of passionate interest reading. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. 1996; 39(4): 268–280.
  • Franzosi R. P. Content analysis. Volume I. Sage benchmarks in social research methods series. 2008; England: Sage Publications.
  • Galuschka K., Ise E., Krick K., Schulte-Körne G. Effectiveness of treatment approaches for children and adolescents with reading difficulties: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. PLOS ONE . 2014. February 2014 (Accessed 2014-06-04).
  • Gerber P., Ginsberg R., Reiff H. Identifying alterable patterns in employment for highly successful adults with learning disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities. 1992; 25(8): 475–487.
  • Goldberg R. J., Higgins E. L., Raskind M. H., Herman K. L. Predictors of success in individuals with learning disabilities: a qualitative analysis of a 20-year longitudinal study. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice. 2003; 18(4): 222–236.
  • Goswami U. Phonology, reading development and dyslexia: a cross-linguistic perspective. Annals of Dyslexia. 2002; 52(1): 141–163.
  • Gough P. B., Tunmer W. E. Decoding, reading, and reading disability. Remedial and Special Education. 1986; 7(1): 6–10.
  • Griffin E., Pollak D. Student experiences of neurodiversity in higher education: insights from the BRAINHE project. Dyslexia. 2009; 15(1): 23–41.
  • Griffiths C. C. B. Pragmatic abilities in adults with and without dyslexia: a pilot study. Dyslexia. 2007; 13(4): 276–296.
  • Gwernan-Jones R., Burden R. L. “Are they just lazy?” Student teachers’ attitudes about dyslexia. Dyslexia. 2010; 16(1): 66–86.
  • Haapanen M-L. “Kukia poimi ja kukia kana, te sepele nistä ja omalesi ana” –kehityksellinen dysleksia. [Developmental Dyslexia]. Duodecim. 1995; 111(6): 573–582.
  • Habib L., Berget G., Sandnes F. E., Sanderson N., Kahn P., Fagernes S., Olcay A. Dyslexic students in higher education and virtual learning environments: an exploratory study. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. 2012; 28(6): 574–584.
  • Hannula-Jouppi K., Kaminen-Ahola N., Taipale M., Eklund R., Nopola-Hemmi J., Kääriäinen H., Kere J. The axon guidance receptor gene ROBO1 is a candidate gene for developmental dyslexia. PLoS Genetics. 2005; 4(1): e50. EPub 2005 Oct 28.
  • Haustätter R. S., Takala M. The core of special teacher education: a comparison of Finland and Norway. European Journal of Special Needs Education. 2008; 23(2): 121–134.
  • Heiman T., Precel K. Students with learning disabilities in higher education: academic strategies profile. Journal of Learning Disabilities. 2003; 36(3): 248–258.
  • Hellendoorn J., Ruijssenaars W. Personal experiences and adjustment of Dutch adults with dyslexia. Remedial and Special Education. 2000; 21(4): 227–239.
  • Høien T., Lundberg I. Dyslexi. Från teori till praktik. 1999; Uppsala: Almqvist & Wiksell.
  • Holopainen L., Savolainen H. Takala M., Kontu E. Nuorten lukemisen ja kirjoittamisen vaikeudet. [Reading and writing difficulties among young people]. Luki-vaikeudesta Luki-taitoon. 2008; 203–229. [From reading difficulties to reading skills] Helsinki: Gaudeamus..
  • Illingworth K. The effects of dyslexia on the work of nurses and healthcare assistants. Nursing Standard. 2005; 19(38): 41–48.
  • Jääskelä P., Pirttimaa R. Blended learning as a teaching strategy in Open University of Jyvaskyla. 4th International Conference in Open and Distance Learning. Forms of Democracy in Education: Open Access and Distance Education. 2007; 70–72.
  • Kerka S. Practice Application Brief, no. 20. Learning disabilities and career development. 2002. http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/ERIC-ED463446/pdf/ERIC-ED463446.pdf (Accessed 2014-06-05)..
  • Kozulin A., Gindis B., Ageyev V. S., Miller S. M. Vygotsky's educational theory in cultural context. 2003; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
  • Kupiainen S., Marjanen J., Vainikainen M., Hautamäki, J. Oppimaan oppiminen Vantaan peruskouluissa. 2011. Kolmas-, kuudes- ja yhdeksäsluokkalaiset oppijoina keväällä 2010. [Learning to learn skills in the city of Vantaa's comprehensive schools. Third, sixth and ninth graders as learners in spring 2010]. City of Vantaa and Centre for Educational Assessment..
  • Lehto J. E. Takala M., Kontu E. Tekstinymmärtäminen ja sen vaikeus. Challenges in text comprehension. Luki-vaikeudesta luki-taitoon. 2006; Helsinki: Gaudeamus. 125–148. [From reading difficulties to reading skills].
  • Long L., MacBlain S., MacBlain M. Supporting students with dyslexia at the secondary level: an emotional model of literacy. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy. 2007; 51(2): 124–134.
  • Macdonald S. J. Towards a social reality of dyslexia. British Journal of Learning Disabilities. 2009; 1–9.
  • Matriculation Examination Board . The Finnish Matriculation Examination. 2014. http://www.ylioppilastutkinto.fi/fi/english (Accessed 2014-05-28)..
  • Matsson H., Tammimies K., Zucchelli M., Anthoni H., Onkamo P., Nopola-Hemmi J., Lyytinen H., Leppänen P. H., Neuhoff N., Warnke A., Schulte-Körne G., Schumacher J., Nöthen M. M., Kere J., Peyrard-Janvid M. SNP variations in the 7q33 region containing DGKI are associated with dyslexia in the Finnish and German populations. Behavior Genetics. 2011; 41(1): 134–140.
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  • Montgomery D. Writing and the national literacy strategy: cohort analysis of writing in year 7 following two, four and seven years of the national literacy strategy. Support for Learning. 2008; 23(1): 3–11.
  • Mullins L., Preyde M. The lived experience of students with an invisible disability at a Canadian university. Disability and Society. 2013; 28(2): 147–160.
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  • Price G., Gale A. How do dyslexic nursing students cope with clinical practice placements? The impact of the dyslexic nursing students: pedagogical issues and considerations. Learning Disabilities: A Contemporary Journal. 2006; 4(1): 19–36.
  • Quick R. L. Exploring faculty perceptions toward working with academically vulnerable college students. College Quarterly. 2013; 16(4): 3–3.
  • Ramus F., Rosen S., Dakin S. C., Day B. L., Castellote J. M., White S., Frith U. Theories of developmental dyslexia: insights from a multiple case study of dyslexic adults. Brain. 2003; 126: 841–865.
  • Ransby M. J., Swanson H. L. Reading comprehension skills of young adults with childhood diagnoses of dyslexia. Journal of Learning Disabilities. 2003; 36(6): 538–555.
  • Reid G., Kirk J. Dyslexia in adults: education and employment. 2001; Chichester: Wiley.
  • Reis S. M., Ruban L. Services and programs for academically talented students with learning disabilities. Theory into Practice. 2005; 44(2): 148–159.
  • Riddell S., Tinklin T., Wilson A. New labour, social justice and disabled students in higher education. British Educational Research Journal. 2005; 31(5): 632–643.
  • Riddick B. Dyslexia and inclusion: time for a social model of disability perspective?. International Studies in Sociology of Education. 2001; 11(4): 223–236.
  • Riddick B., Sterling C., Farmer M., Morgan S. Self-esteem and anxiety in the educational histories of adult dyslexic students. Dyslexia. 1999; 5(4): 227–248.
  • Rytkönen A. University of Helsinki teachers as users and adopters of change of web-based learning environments in teaching. Academic Dissertation. Faculty of Behavioral Sciences. University of Helsinki. 2014
  • Samuelsson S., Herkner B., Lundberg I. Reading and writing difficulties among prison inmates: a matter of experiential factors rather than dyslexic problems. Scientific Studies of Reading. 2003; 7(1): 53–73.
  • Smith J. H., Fawcett A. J., Nicolson R. I., Fisk J. E. Dyslexic students have more everyday cognitive lapses. Memory. 2004; 12(2): 174–182.
  • Stampoltzis A., Polychronopoulou S. Greek university students with dyslexia: an interview study. European Journal of Special Needs Education. 2009; 24(3): 307–321.
  • Statistics Finland. Comprehensive school pupils receiving part-time special education. 2010. http://www.stat.fi/til/erop/2010/erop_2010_2011-06-09_tau_005_fi.html (Accessed 2014-06-03)..
  • Syvälahti R. Kieksi M-L. Kokemuksia lukiopetuksen alkutaipaleelta [Experiences from the beginning of teaching dyslectics]. Rakkaudesta erityispedagogiikkaan. Juhlakirja: erityispedagogiikan professuuri 20v. 2006. 52–63. [From love to special education. A commemorative volume for Professor Hautamäki] Helsinki: University of Helsinki.
  • Takala M. The effects of reciprocal teaching on reading comprehension in mainstream and special (SLI) education. : Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. 2006; 50(5): 559–576.
  • Undheim A. M. Dyslexia and psychosocial factors. A follow-up study of young Norwegian adults with a history of dyslexia in childhood. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry. 2003; 57(3): 221–226.
  • University of Helsinki. Centre for Research and Development of Higher Education. 2014. http://www.helsinki.fi/yty/english/index.htm (Accessed 2014-06-03)..
  • Vartiainen A. Kuuden suurimman kaupungin vammaispalvelulain mukaiset palvelut ja taloudelliset tukitoimet 2012. 2013. [Disability services and economic support in the six biggest cities]. Kuusikko-työryhmän julkaisusarja. http://www.kuusikkokunnat.fi/SIRA_Files/downloads/Vammaispalvelut/Kuusikko_VpL-raportti_2012net.pdf (Accessed 2014-06-03).
  • Vellutino F. R., Fletcher J. M., Snowling M. J., Scanlon D. M. Specific reading disability (dyslexia): what have we learned in the past four decades?. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 2004; 45(1): 2–40.
  • Wadlington E. M., Wadlington P. L. What educators really believe about dyslexia. Reading Improvement. 2005; 42(1): 16–33.
  • Zeleke S. Self-concepts of students with learning disabilities and their normally achieving peers: a review. European Journal of Special Needs Education. 2004; 19(2): 145–170.