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Original Articles

Seasonal, interannual and long-term variability of precipitation and snow depth in the region of the Barents and Kara seas

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Pages 69-85 | Published online: 16 Dec 2016


  • Aleksandrov, Y. I., Bryazgin, N. N., Dementiev, A. A., Mars-hunova, M. S., Radionov, V. F. & Svyashchennikov, P. N. 1999: Meteorologicheskiy i radiatsionniy rezhim Arkti-cheskogo basseyna (po dannymdreyfuyuschikh stantsiy “Severniy polyus”). (Meteorological and solar radiation regime of the Arctic basin [results from the “North Pole” drifting stations].) Problemy Arktiki i Antarktiki 71, 61–77.
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