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Journal overview

Civil Wars publishes original scholarship on all aspects of intrastate conflict, including its causes and nature, and the factors which help to explain its onset, duration, intensity, termination and recurrence. It also publishes work which explores the epistemology of scholarship on intrastate conflict and contributes to debates about the politics, sociology and economics of civil wars, and the significance of intrastate conflict for international relations.

The journal has a broad intellectual remit designed to be multidisciplinary and open to a range of different academic methodologies and interests. It welcomes work on specific armed conflicts and micro-analysis, on broad patterns of civil wars, and on historical perspectives as well as contemporary challenges. It also seeks to explore the policy implications of conflict analysis, especially as it relates to international security, conflict prevention and resolution, intervention and peacebuilding.

Civil Wars will be required reading for students and scholars of armed conflict and international relations, and, given its policy relevance, will be of interest to those in government, international organisations and the military.

Peer Review

All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the editors, and, if found suitable for further consideration, research (and practitioner note) articles are then subject to rigorous, double anonymized peer review by at least two referees. For special issues, proposals are first reviewed by the editors and the Editorial Board (or a sub-set of the Board) and if found suitable for taking forward, all special issue articles (including introductions) will be subject to rigorous, double anonymized peer review by at least two referees. Book reviews do not go through peer review but are reviewed instead by the journal's Book Reviews team.

Civil Wars aims to be an inclusive journal and actively strives for equality, diversity and representation in our authorship and Editorial Board. We try to avoid all-male line-ups where possible and strongly encourage submissions from scholars in the Global South and from underrepresented groups.

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