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Journal overview

European Security
is a forum for discussing challenges and approaches to security within the region as well as for Europe in a global context. The journal seeks to publish critical analyses of policies and developments in European institutions and member states, their relations with European and other immediate neighbours, and their relations with the wider world, including other regional and international organisations. It is also interested in non-European perspectives on Europe in a global context.

Whilst the journal is particularly interested in stimulating debate between varied theoretical approaches, it strongly encourages policy debates on topical issues that combine conceptual and empirical analyses. Within this broad framework the journal invites submissions in the following areas:

  • Theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of security in Europe
  • Comparative and in-depth studies of European states and national defence policies
  • European organisations as security providers
  • Conflict prevention, peacekeeping, conflict resolution, and crisis management as reactions to regional insecurity
  • Security and geo-politics of Europe and the wider world

Peer Review
All unsolicited journal articles have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and double anonymized refereeing by a minimum of two anonymous referees. We run an annual competition to select one special issue per calendar year. Articles in special issues are also subject to the usual reviewing procedure. Book reviews do not go through peer review but are reviewed instead by the journal's editorial team.

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