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Journal overview

Contemporary Justice Review is an interdisciplinary journal for scholars, activists, and practitioners of social and restorative justice around the globe who seek to design and implement models of justice that take into account the needs of all. The journal publishes cutting-edge work on: social and restorative justice theory; restorative justice demonstration projects; peacemaking criminology; state crimes and healing from genocide; peaceful methods of conflict resolution; truth and reconciliation commissions; environmental justice; critiques of criminal justice institutions and law; structural issues of justice in the family, school, and workplace; utopian visions of a just society; and non-violent, needs-meeting solutions to needs-denying, power-based social arrangements.

The journal embraces a variety of formats: scholarly articles; electronic roundtable discussions; interviews on social and restorative justice; narrative histories on crime and punishment; film and book review essays; and justice watch statements on timely issues that affect the quality of life around the globe. The editors prefer articles written in engaging and accessible prose which avoid academic jargon and offer insights in how to foster justice in daily life.

All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor-in-Chief, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to double-anonymized peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. Submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts.

“Any scholar, student, and activist interested in social justice for all people, social groups, and peoples, from local to global levels, in the present, past, and future should regularly read Contemporary Justice Review . This unique quarterly journal has published over the past decade outstanding essays on justice-related issues by authors from different countries and perspectives. The journal is an important voice in the ongoing struggle for sanity and peace through justice.”
- David G. Gil , Brandeis University, USA

Contemporary Justice Review makes a significant contribution to our understanding of the human experience. It is essential for both scholars already devoted to the concepts of humanism and restoration and for others who want to learn more about, and possibly embrace, a more compassionate vision of social interaction.”
- Larry Siegel , University of Massachusetts-Lowell, USA

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