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Journal overview

The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse (AJDAA) is an international, interdisciplinary journal that is published six times per year. AJDAA provides a venue for researchers to disseminate clinically relevant research findings and innovative perspectives in the field of addiction. Topics published in AJDAA span preclinical to population-based analyses, including applied methodology, neurobiology, behavioral science, treatment, epidemiology, and public policy. The manuscripts generally present original data analyses or quantitative/narrative reviews of timely developments in our field. Manuscripts exploring behavioral addictions are encouraged. Reviews and Perspectives of emerging fields are given priority consideration. Papers are published on an ongoing basis.

Areas of particular interest include:

  • basic mechanisms
  • novel research methodologies
  • pharmacological, and social interventions, including innovative modalities
  • public health policy

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Emily E. Hartwell et al.
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Gabriela Reed et al.
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J. D. Scheidell et al.
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