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Journal overview

Climacteric is the official journal of the International Menopause Society (IMS). As an international peer-reviewed journal it publishes original research and reviews of all aspects of aging in women.
Climacteric was founded by the IMS in 1998 and today has become a leading journal in the publication of peer-reviewed papers on the menopause, climacteric and mid-life health. Topics covered include endocrine changes, symptoms attributed to the menopause and their treatment, hormone replacement and alternative therapies, lifestyles, and the counselling and education of peri- and postmenopausal women. Climacteric, published bimonthly, also features regular invited reviews, editorials and commentaries on recent developments.

The editorial review board of Climacteric includes leading scientific and clinical experts in the field of midlife medicine and research and is headed by its Editor-in-Chief, Professor Tim Hillard. He and his team of Associate Editors act independently to set a clear editorial policy, co-ordinate peer review, and ensure a rapid response to submitted papers.

Any queries about manuscripts or submissions should be sent to [email protected]

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