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Journal overview

Future Neurology aims to disseminate basic, translational and clinical research, focusing on the latest advances and their potential impact on the treatment of neurological diseases and disorders. The journal delivers a wide variety of article types including original research, reviews and opinion pieces, all of which are presented in concise, at-a-glance formats. Key advances in the field are reported and analyzed by international experts, providing an authoritative but accessible forum for this vast and quickly evolving area of research.

Coverage encompasses key areas related to neuroscience, neurology and neurodegeneration, including:

  • Understanding biological processes within the nervous system
  • Mechanisms and pathologies of disease, injury and disorder including neuropsychiatry
  • Disease modeling systems utilizing computer, in vitro and animal approaches
  • Genetic factors and precision medicine
  • Diagnostic and prognostic advances in screening, biomarker and imaging approaches, in addition to their application in the clinic
  • Disease risk assessment and epidemiological studies
  • Improving current management and treatment approaches
  • Identification of novel therapeutic targets and drug delivery systems
  • Drug development, clinical testing and safety
  • Novel and emerging therapeutics including cell therapy, gene therapy, nanomedicine, immunotherapy and bioelectronics
  • Real-world evidence and outcomes research

Future Neurology welcomes unsolicited article proposals.

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