World Arthritis Day 2024

Created 12 Jun 2024 | 3 articles
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World Arthritis Day (WAD), recognized annually on October 12th, is a global awareness event aimed to highlight and bring awareness to the existence of rheumatic and musculoskeletal disorders (RMDs) in our daily lives. Established in 1996, WAD serves as a reminder for all to continue their vital research and to not stop educating the public about this painful yet incurable disease. Despite the progress made in the last few decades, experts are not yet closer to discovering a cure and the prevalence of RMDs is only increasing with longer lifespans. This exponential rise has also resulted in greater adverse health outcomes in patients including a poorer quality of life, reduced physical function, increased hospitalizations, and detrimental effects on mental health. Furthermore, many patients with RMDs can also experience a secondary condition such as cancer or cardiovascular diseases and as such, it is necessary for physicians and other professionals to not only understand and help manage the patient’s conditions, but also ease the burden of diagnosis and therapy. Treating each condition in isolation will only serve to harm rather than lead to a good outcome.

In this regard, Open Access Rheumatology: Research and Reviews would like to invite authors to submit Original Research Articles, Reviews, Clinical Studies, and other manuscript types accepted by the journal on any subject area tailored towards arthritis that could add to the current knowledge. Possible topics include but are not limited to: Pathology and pathophysiology of arthritis; Risk factors, clinical factors and diagnostic measures to improve the management of patients with arthritis; Approaches to pharmacological and non-pharmacological management of arthritis; Epidemiological and clinical studies on the prevalence and incidence of arthritis and comorbidities in arthritis.

Upon submission, please use the promo code GQCTA for 20% off the advertised article processing charge and indicate that your manuscript will be considered for the “World Arthritis Day 2024” Collection.

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Originally published in Open Access Rheumatology: Research and Reviews, Volume: 16 (31 Dec 2024)

Published online: 17 May 2024
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