Special issues

Browse all special issues from Sport in Society.

All issues
Olympic Reform Ten Years Later
Volume 14, Issue 3, 2011 pages 289-402
The politics of sport: community, mobility, identity
Volume 14, Issue 2, 2011 pages 151-288
Sport in the city
Volume 13, Issue 10, 2010 pages 1417-ebi
Global Sport Business: Community Impacts of Commercial Sport
Volume 13, Issue 9, 2010 pages 1293-1415
The Consumption and Representation of Lifestyle Sports
Volume 13, Issue 7-8, 2010 pages 1057-1291
Documenting the Beijing Olympics
Volume 13, Issue 5, 2010 pages 745-918
Sport in Scandinavian Societies
Volume 13, Issue 4, 2010 pages 563-743
The Social Impact of Sport
Volume 12, Issue 9, 2009 pages 1109-1268
Sport, Culture and Ideology in the State of Israel
Volume 12, Issue 8, 2009 pages 999-1107
Cricket: International and Interdisciplinary Approaches
Volume 12, Issue 4-5, 2009 pages 431-707
The Making of Sporting Cultures, by John Hughson
Volume 12, Issue 1, 2009 pages 1-140
Sport, mass consumerism, and the body in modern Spain
Volume 11, Issue 6, 2008 pages 607-738
Sport and Foreign Policy in a Globalizing World
Volume 11, Issue 4, 2008 pages 349-500
Introducing Sport in films
Volume 11, Issue 2-3, 2008 pages 107-348
Special Issue by Alan Klein
Volume 10, Issue 6, 2007 pages 885-1137
Cricket, Race and the 2007 World Cup
Volume 10, Issue 1, 2007 pages 1-194
Football Culture Local Contests, Global Visions
Volume 2, Issue 3, 1999 pages 1-ebi
France and The 1998 World Cup
Volume 1, Issue 2, 1998 pages 1-ebi

Special issue information

Proposing a Special Issue

If you wish to discuss the possibility of a themed special issue please contact the Executive Academic Editor, Boria Majumdar: [email protected].

Special Issues should normally be international in either content or authorship. The proposers should make a case why the issue would be of interest to the Sport in Society readership and include details of probable contributors.

If accepted, any proposal for a special issue will have one of the Editors appointed as a Reporting Editor to assist the Guest Editor and ensure the quality of the issue.

Guest Editors should acknowledge that they will adhere to the Sport in Society regulations outlined below:

1. There must be a nominated Editor to whom all correspondence will be directed.
2. All papers must be in the approved journal style. Information on this is available on the Sport in Society website.
3. The overall word length must not exceed 80,000 words (and preferably be less than 75,000) unless prior permission to exceed the limit has been obtained from the Sport in Society Reporting Editor.
4. At least two referees will be required for all articles. The Guest Editor will have access to the ScholarOne system so that the process is transparent to all parties. The Reporting Editor reserve the right to request additional refereeing.
5. The 'final' version of papers should be made available to the Reporting Editor at least a month before the due submission date for comment and approval.
6. To assist in the final proofing along with the Reporting Editor, the Executive Academic Editor and individual authors.