Special issues

Browse all special issues from German Politics.

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Policy Convergence in the UK and Germany
Volume 16, Issue 1, 2007 pages 1-203
The German Election of 2005
Volume 15, Issue 4, 2006 pages 335-535
Volume 13, Issue 2, 2004 pages 155-400
Bundestagswahl'98: The End of an Era?
Volume 8, Issue 2, 1999 pages 1-ebi
The Kohl Chancellorship
Volume 7, Issue 1, 1998 pages 1-ebi
Superwahljahr: The German elections in 1994
Volume 4, Issue 2, 1995 pages 1-ebi
Constitutional Policy in Unified Germany
Volume 3, Issue 3, 1994 pages 1-ebi
Federalism, Unification and European Integration
Volume 1, Issue 3, 1992 pages 1-ebi

Special issue information

The editors of German Politics welcome proposals for special issues on German politics. We are particularly interested in research that links German politics to broader issues in comparative and international politics and in studies that approach Germany within a comparative context.

Contributors to special issues should reflect the diversity of our scholarly community in terms of national origin, gender, career stage, and other characteristics. Informal inquiries about planned special issues, including but not limited to time lines and topics, can be addressed to any of the editors. Typically German Politics publishes two special issues per year.

Completed proposals should be sent to the Managing Editor, Dan Hough, at [email protected]. In addition to the title, the proposal should address the following:

  • rationale and significance of the topic
  • research questions
  • methodological approaches
  • abstracts of the proposed articles (no less than 150 words)
  • anticipated date of submission
  • contact information for special issue editor(s)
  • biographical information about the authors

Special issues vary in length but normally consist of no fewer than six articles, excluding introductory and concluding chapters. The articles have to meet the same criteria as any other submissions to the journal. Please consult the submission guidelines and give special attention to the manuscript preparation guidelines.

Special issue submissions are subject to the same peer review process as individual articles: prereview by the editors and double-blind peer review by two external evaluators. The review process can only commence once all chapters have been uploaded. Submission does not guarantee publication of the special issue or of the individual articles.


Dan Hough [email protected], Louise Davidson-Schmich [email protected], Kai Oppermann [email protected]