The Elie and Sylvia Kedourie Prize for Outstanding Article

Created 01 Jan 2017| Updated 22 Nov 2023 | 7 articles

Saul Kelly and Helen Kedourie are pleased to announce that the Elie and Sylvia Kedourie Prize for Outstanding Article from Volume 59 (2023) of Middle Eastern Studies has been awarded to Murat R. Şiviloğlu for his article, ‘The Ottoman Empire and the emergence of its “Irish Question”’, Middle Eastern Studies, Vol. 59, No. 1, pp.35 – 53.

We would like to thank the judging panel, drawn from the editorial board, for their work in judging all the submissions and for reaching a decision on the winning article, and Taylor & Francis for their continuing support. The prize, established in 2018, is named for Elie Kedourie (1926–1992) founder and editor-in-chief of Middle Eastern Studies until his death in 1992, and Sylvia Kedourie (1925–2016) who took on the editorship of the journal from 1992 until 2016.

The award includes a prize payment of £500, a year’s complimentary subscription to Middle Eastern Studies, and free access to the article on the journal’s website.

The next prize for an outstanding article published in the 2024 volume of Middle Eastern Studies will be awarded in the summer of 2025. Please email your nomination to Saul Kelly ([email protected]) or Helen Kedourie ([email protected]), with the subject line ‘Middle Eastern Studies – Nomination for Elie and Sylvia Kedourie Prize’, and include the following in your message: title of article, name of author, and volume and issue number; a brief reason for your nomination (no more than 200 words); your name and affiliation.

Browse the award-winning articles below.

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Originally published in Middle Eastern Studies, Volume: 59, Number: 1 (02 Jan 2023)

Published online: 09 Mar 2022
  • 0 CrossRef citations
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Free Access

Originally published in Middle Eastern Studies, Volume: 58, Number: 4 (04 Jul 2022)

Published online: 27 Sep 2021
  • 2 CrossRef citations
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Open Access

Originally published in Middle Eastern Studies, Volume: 56, Number: 4 (03 Jul 2020)

Published online: 20 Apr 2020
  • 2 CrossRef citations
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Originally published in Middle Eastern Studies, Volume: 55, Number: 4 (04 Jul 2019)

Published online: 20 Feb 2019
  • 6 CrossRef citations
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Open Access

Originally published in Middle Eastern Studies, Volume: 54, Number: 2 (04 Mar 2018)

Published online: 06 Nov 2017
  • 35 CrossRef citations
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Free Access