Special issues

Browse all special issues from Identities.

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Rethinking “Surplus Populations”
Volume 18, Issue 1, 2011 pages 1-95
Race and the Cultural Spaces of Neoliberalism
Volume 17, Issue 5, 2010 pages 455-580
The Social Sciences and United States Imperial Expansion
Volume 17, Issue 1, 2010 pages 1-81
Middle Eastern Belongings
Volume 15, Issue 3, 2008 pages 261-389
Emotions and Globalisation
Volume 14, Issue 4, 2007 pages 367-544
The Force of a Thousand Nightmares
Volume 13, Issue 1, 2006 pages 1-185
“Race Places”: Changing Locations of Jewish Identities
Volume 8, Issue 2, 2001 pages 163-ebii
Culture, Violence, and Explanation
Volume 8, Issue 1, 2001 pages 1-ebi
Gendering Transnational Spaces
Volume 7, Issue 4, 2001 pages 441-ebii
Whiteness in the Field
Volume 7, Issue 3, 2000 pages 269-ebii
The Politics of Transnationalism
Volume 7, Issue 2, 2000 pages 139-ebii
Fight the Power: Changing forms of Consciousness and Protest
Volume 5, Issue 4, 1999 pages 421-621
Foundational Concepts: Gender, Race, and Locality
Volume 5, Issue 3, 1998 pages 297-419
Surviving Gendered Structures of Violence
Volume 5, Issue 2, 1998 pages 145-296
Differentiating Powers
Volume 5, Issue 1, 1998 pages 1-143
Regimes of Truth
Volume 4, Issue 3-4, 1998 pages 333-570
Transnational Processes/Situated Identities
Volume 4, Issue 2, 1997 pages 155-331
The Politics of Culture
Volume 4, Issue 1, 1997 pages 1-154
Race and Place
Volume 3, Issue 4, 1997 pages 449-ebii
Narratives of Capitalism
Volume 3, Issue 3, 1997 pages 303-ebii
Indigenous Peoples/Global Terrains
Volume 3, Issue 1-2, 1996 pages 1-ebii
The Nation/State and its Sexual Dissidents
Volume 2, Issue 3, 1996 pages 3-ebii
(Muitl)Culturalisms and the Baggage of ‘Race’
Volume 1, Issue 4, 1995 pages 3-ebii
Sanctioned Identities
Volume 2, Issue 1-2, 1995 pages 1-ebii

Special issue information

Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power is a leading social science journal which explores the formation and transformation of racial, ethnic, national, transnational and postcolonial identities in the contemporary world.

Identities welcomes Special Issue proposals that align with the focus of the journal. As with all papers published in the journal, a double blind peer review of each paper will be carried out in the normal manner via the journal’s online submission and peer review system overseen by an Identities Editor.

Successful proposals should be developed and showcase an overarching theme for advancing a specific research topic that brings the collection together, and indicate how the proposed special issue will make an original creative contribution that advances knowledge in the field.

Proposals should be a maximum of 4,000 words long in total and include the  following:

  • Full contact details and a short biography of the Guest Editor(s).
  • A proposed title for the Special Issue.
  • A rationale for the core “idea” behind the Special Issue. This should address the theoretical and substantive empirical contribution of a Special Issue, the basis for its claim to originality, its relationship to existing literature and how it will advance knowledge, and its importance to the interdisciplinary field of identities.

The proposal should identify:

  • A list of contributors, with institutional affiliations, and a quick note confirming they have committed to the Issue.
  • Titles and abstracts for each paper.
  • Details on the origin of the proposal, e.g., a workshop, conference, research project, research network. Individual contributions will usually have been, or be due to be discussed with a forum, e.g., workshop or conference session.
  • Proposed deadlines for submission of first drafts by individual authors.

In addition to the Guest Editors, there will be an Associate Editor from  Identities who will be assigned to your Special Issue, and they will work with you throughout as the Special Issue progresses.

Generally, the guidelines for Special Issues are that the issue as a whole should not exceed 55,000words in length,inclusive of the Guest Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue, with an approximate word length of 7,000 words for each article (the Introduction is usually shorter in length, and should not exceed 5,000 words).

The word length for Special Issue articles is 1,000 words less than our usual 8,000-word limit for standard articles and this should be communicated to the authors as they prepare for submission.

Please also advise your authors to take note of all instructions for submission available at:


Each submission will be subject to Identities' peer review process, and all final decisions related to the acceptance of each article is subject to Editorial discretion. We would recommend that as Guest Editors, you coordinate with the authors in advance of submission to Identities, in order that you can review the content of each article, and the composition of the Special Issue as a whole.

Once the articles are ready for submission to Identities, this should be done via our online Submission Portal:


Authors should choose the relevant Special Issue for their articles when submitting so these can be tracked appropriately in our system. Any preliminary queries should be sent to:

[email protected]