New Practitioner Art Therapy Practice Paper Prize

Created 01 Jan 2014| Updated 06 Dec 2023 | 5 articles

The International Journal of Art Therapy (IJAT) is delighted to award two biennial Prizes: the New Practitioner Art Therapy Practice Paper Prize and the Early Career Researcher Art Therapy Research Paper Prize. Both Prizes are awarded by the British Association of Art Therapists (BAAT) and Routledge Publishers. The aims of the competitions are to celebrate valuable and innovative work produced by trainees, newly qualified practitioners, and early career researchers and to encourage future authors of art therapy literature.

Please view the New Practitioner and Early Career Researcher Art Therapy Paper Prize Guidelines for details on the prize criteria and how to submit.

The competition winners will receive cash prizes of £300 each awarded by the British Association of Art Therapists (BAAT) and £100 pounds each worth of Routledge publications. Runners-up for each Prize will receive a free 1-day BAAT CPD course. All competition winners (including runners-up) will be offered writing mentorships from IJAT Associate Editors, and their papers will be published in IJAT subject to blind peer review. The winners will be expected to be present at the prizegiving (unless there are extenuating circumstances) and work with BAAT and Taylor & Francis author services to disseminate their papers to encourage and inspire others.

Submissions for the next Prizes are open 1st – 31st January 2025.

New Practitioner Prize Winners

2021 Winner: Jessie Holder

2021 Runner-up: Eleanor Polihronis

2018-2020 Winner: Rachel Preston

2016-2018 Winner: Sian Stott

2014-2016 Winner: Joy Chong

Browse the prize-winning articles below.

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Originally published in International Journal of Art Therapy, Volume: 27, Number: 2 (03 Apr 2022)

Published online: 19 Nov 2021
  • 3 CrossRef citations
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Originally published in International Journal of Art Therapy, Volume: 27, Number: 2 (03 Apr 2022)

Published online: 19 Nov 2021
  • 1 CrossRef citations
  • 0Altmetric

Originally published in International Journal of Art Therapy, Volume: 23, Number: 1 (02 Jan 2018)

Published online: 11 Jan 2018
  • 2 CrossRef citations
  • 0Altmetric