Bob Franklin Journal Article Award 2023-2024

Created 01 Jan 2021| Updated 20 Jun 2024 | 3 articles


The Final Selection Panel are delighted to award the 2023-2024 Prize for the Bob Franklin Journal Article Award to Professor Michael Karlsson and his co-authors Raul Ferrer Conill and Henrik Örnebring, for their article re-evaluating the content and operation of journalistic codes of ethics, which was originally published in Journalism Studies:

Michael Karlsson, Raul Ferrer Conill and Henrik Örnebring (2023) “Recoding Journalism: Establishing Normative Dimensions for A Twenty-First Century News Media” Journalism Studies, 24(5), 553-572.

Feedback from the Final Selection Panel

“The article makes a compelling case for rethinking journalism’s ethical codes. It makes a sophisticated theoretical argument that is at the same time rich in practical value. Karlsson, Conill and Örnebring manage to make a highly original argument while largely drawing on existing scholarship. They show that journalism operates on several implicit, non-formalized ethical codes and that by formalizing these codes, all those involved in journalism can be players in maintaining or improving journalism’s authority and legitimacy. The article’s practical value is in the formal ethical codes it offers as starting points and provocations for debate – debate within journalism and debate with journalisms’ interlocuters. Here is an academic article that every journalist, editor, publisher and trade group should read and discuss”.

Runners Up

The Final Selection Panel also highly recommends two further papers and congratulates their authors for their contribution to journalism scholarship:

Hase, Valerie et al (2023) Adapting to Affordances and Audiences? A Cross-Platform, Multi-Modal An analysis of the Platformization of News on Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok and Twitter. Digital Journalism Vol 11 no 8 pp1499-1520.

Maria Kyriakidou, Stephen Cushion, Ceri Hughes and Marina Morani (2023), Questioning Fact-Checking in the Fight Against Disinformation: An Audience Perspective, Journalism Practice Vol 17 no 10 pp 2123-2139.

Comment from the Founding Editor Bob Franklin

The field leading journals Digital Journalism, Journalism Practice and Journalism Studies continue to attract considerable and expansive readerships, international rankings and submissions of research-based papers of the highest quality to consider for publication. These claims are richly illustrated and substantiated by the three papers selected for consideration by the Final Selection Panel for the Bob Franklin Journal Article Award in 2023-24. The winning article by Michael Karlsson, Raul Ferrer Conill and Henrik Örnebring offers an exemplary model of academic scholarship which provides journalism scholars, practitioners and readers with arguments and evidence to reconsider central concerns relating to ethical codes, their implementation and their effectiveness.

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Originally published in Journalism Practice, Volume: 17, Number: 10 (26 Nov 2023) Disinformation studies as an emerging research field

Published online: 07 Jul 2022
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