Journal overview

The international journal of Petroleum Science and Technology publishes original, high-quality peer-reviewed research and review articles that explore:

  • The fundamental science of fluid-fluid and rock-fluids interactions and multi-phase interfacial and transport phenomena through porous media related to advanced petroleum recovery processes,
  • The application of novel concepts and processes for enhancing recovery of subsurface energy resources in a carbon-sensitive manner,
  • Case studies of scaling up the laboratory research findings to field pilots and field-wide applications.
  • Other salient technological challenges facing the petroleum industry.

We are especially keen to receive contributions from authors whose research looks at the following general areas:

  • Fluid-fluid interactions (solubility, miscibility, phase behavior) of hydrocarbons in the presence of surfactants, nanofluids, CO2 and other agents that could enhance petroleum recovery from both conventional and unconventional (shale-oil, heavy-oil, and bitumen) resources
  • Rock-fluids interactions of wettability, spreading adhesion and relative permeability characteristics that influence the distribution and multi-phase flow of hydrocarbons in porous subsurface media
  • Enhanced oil recovery by chemical, gas and heat injection processes
  • Original research and review articles that address the environmental aspects of petroleum recovery and production
  • Near wellbore processes, coupling between reservoir and wellbore transport processes, management techniques for good well bore performance
  • Poroelasticity and hydraulic fracturing studies on reservoir scale that explore the impact of such mechanism on Petroleum Science and Technology
  • Experimental research as well as theoretical and multiscale modeling work with substantial verification of results

All submissions go through our single-anonymized peer review process, you can visit our Instructions for Authors page for information on preparing your manuscript.

Author benefits

We are abstracted and indexed in several databases including the Science citation index, Scopus and more.

The prestigious and experienced members of our international Editorial Board will guide you from submission to publication.

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