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Journal overview

The Journal of Economic Issues is published by the Association of Evolutionary Economics, an international organization of scholars unified in the beliefs that economy is an instituted process and that social progress requires intelligent institutional adjustment. It seeks to promote an economics that is useful for real world problem-solving. The Journal of Economic Issues is primarily interested in manuscripts that explain economic phenomena through a description and analysis of the formal and informal rules that regulate the use of natural resources and technology, define the distribution of economic power between individuals and groups, and delimit the scope of human agency. A variety of analytical approaches, including those borrowed from disciplines such as history, philosophy, psychology, anthropology, systems theory, biology and evolutionary science, network theory, sociology, law, geography, and neuroscience, are acceptable, so long as the institutional environment (as opposed to the optimizing agent) constitutes the main object of inquiry.

The Journal of Economic Issues also places a high priority on contributions that examine the political economy of food, healthcare, energy, telecommunications, transportation, education, or recreation provisioning. Papers that bring institutional perspectives to the problems of developing and transitional economies are welcome. Additionally, we seek papers that investigate issues related to the social control of business and finance. Policy-oriented contributions on a wide array of topics, including macroeconomics, property rights, labor markets, trade and globalization, and the environment, also fall within the aims and scope of the Journal of Economic Issues . Finally, the Journal of Economic Issues publishes theoretical and interpretative papers that endeavor to clarify the nature of institutions, the process of institutional change, and the history of institutional thought.

Authors interested in contributing book reviews should consult the Journal of Economic Issues list of new books for review. Correspondence concerning book reviews should be sent to [email protected].

Peer Review Statement: All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, are sent out for double anonymized peer review.

Publication Office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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