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Journal overview

Cogent Social Sciences is a multidisciplinary open access journal with a mission to make research and knowledge accessible to everyone without discrimination. Our vision is based on inclusivity, dissemination and the power of collective wisdom. The journal’s broad scope facilitates the discovery of connections between disciplines and communities.

We strive to help researchers communicate with a global audience and interact with experts from across the social science community and beyond. Each submission is evaluated on its own scholarly merit and research integrity, and our expert academic editors take an objective and constructive approach to peer review. Article-level metrics let the research speak for itself.

Cogent Social Sciences considers original research and review articles in the following sections and broad topical areas:

Area Studies - African Studies
Publishing submissions that are theoretically and empirically grounded. The Interventions must address multiple and intersecting crises confronting the world. With a particular focus on the climate crises; resources-based conflicts; tenure security; political actions of the subalterns as they confront authoritarian and hegemonic system(s). In addition, we also welcome submissions on food security and famines; the development question; land question; labor question; national question, gender, and social reproduction. As well as the perennial dynamics of migration.

Area Studies - Asian Studies
Provides a forum for research about Asia with multi- and interdisciplinary approaches. Topics covered include sustainability, management, society, environment, economy, and education of Asian countries or regions.

Criminology & Criminal Justice
Promotes critical reflection and international scholarship through exploring trends in crime control and the comparative organization and operation of criminal justice systems. We encourage work that looks at how key sociological constructs such as age, class, gender and race and ethnicity interact with definitions of criminality and the contemporary management of crime.

Providing a forum for international and interdisciplinary approaches to geography research. Topics covered may include urban, rural, regional, cultural, human, political, population and environmental geographies, and geographies of social well-being.

Media & Communication Studies
Offering an international forum for all work covering the media and new media technologies. The section invites a broad range of topics from the philosophy of communication to strategic communication, and digital cultures to journalism studies.

Politics & International Relations
Publishing contemporary scholarship across all subfields of political science, including political theory, comparative politics, international relations and political methodology. The section welcomes diverse methodologies and various approaches, from positivism to rational choice theory, and structuralism to institutionalism.

Embodying a global perspective, this section encourages work which advances the theoretical understanding of sociological topics. Submissions may report findings using both quantitative and qualitative research methods.

Sport & Discrimination
Focuses on a myriad of discriminatory forms within sport. The section invites submissions exploring sport participation, coaching, recruitment, fandom, policy, management and governance, accessibility and inclusivity, media representations, and particularly welcomes research which promotes strategic measures for positive and transformative change to combat discrimination. More broadly, this intersectional section should appeal to scholars from media and cultural studies, sports journalism, esports, sport studies, sport sociology, sports law, sports psychology, sport marketing, internet studies, among other disciplines.  

Sport & Leisure
Focusing on wide-ranging and multidisciplinary research, discussion and analysis on contemporary sport issues. Topics may include the history, sociology, and psychology of sport, as well as sports administration and management.

Tourism & Hospitality
Provides an international platform for the publication of empirical and theoretical-based research findings in all areas of leisure and hospitality. The section particularly welcomes both multi- and interdisciplinary approaches, and work with applications to other areas of the journal, and the wider Cogent Series.

Cogent Social Sciences considers original research articles and reviews in the following branches of social sciences:

- African Studies
- Asian Studies
- Criminal Justice
- Criminology
- Geography
- International Relations
- Media & Communication Studies
- Politics
- Sociology
- Sport and Leisure
- Tourism and Hospitality

Other social science areas are covered in our sister publications, Cogent Business & Management, Cogent Economics & Finance and Cogent Education.

What can you expect if you publish in Cogent Social Sciences?

- Immediate, free access to your article for anyone anywhere in the world
- Rigorous peer review featuring constructive dialogue with experts
- Retention of the full copyright in your work
- Fast publication on a state-of-the-art platform
- Innovative article-level performance metrics
- Global marketing and high production values
- Extensive indexing and archiving of your work
- A straightforward and friendly publishing service

Submit your manuscript to Cogent Social Sciences

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