Open Select journals


Publish your research in Open Select journals

Authors can make their research open access in over 2,000 Taylor & Francis and Routledge open select journals. Your research funder or institution may require you to publish your article open access and our open select journals give you the flexibility of publishing in a journal that best fits your research while complying with your open access mandates.

Your institution may also have an open access agreement with Taylor & Francis which will cover the cost of publishing open access in our open select journals, allowing you to benefit from open select publishing at no cost to yourself. You can visit our open access options finder or paste your abstract into our journal suggester to help you find the right journal for your research.

Articles published Open Select (hybrid open access) with Taylor & Francis typically receive 95% more citations* and over 7 times as many downloads^ compared to those that are not published Open Select.  To publish your research open select and see similar benefits use the subject filter on the left and search through a wide range of subjects and disciplines to find the right journal for your research.

  • *Citations received up to 9th June 2021 for articles published in 2016-2020 in journals listed in Web of Science®. Data obtained on 9th June 2021, from Digital Science’s Dimensions platform.
  • ^Usage in 2018-2020 for articles published in 2016-2020 

Please note: Although Dove and the Expert Medicine collection titles are a part of our Taylor & Francis portfolio, they are only included in open access agreements and memberships where explicitly stated.

Open Select journals list

Explore our portfolio of Open Select journals and find the best home for your research. Use the subject filter to browse by discipline.

  • Showing 51-100 of 156 results for search:

  1. Future Oncology

    Publish open access in this journal

    A MEDLINE-indexed peer-reviewed journal that offers insights into cancer treatments, personalized strategies, and their clinical implications. It presents analysis on topics such as new anticancer agents, ongoing study protocols, immunotherapy, and radiotherapy advancements, while also addressing policy debates and real-world outcomes research. This journal offers accelerated publication.

    Partial Access
  2. Future Virology

    Publish open access in this journal

    A peer-reviewed journal covering basic, translational and clinical research in virology. The journal covers a wide range of topics, from new or re-emerging outbreaks to viral vectors, looking at impact on human health. A range of invited and unsolicited articles are considered, with original research, narrative and systematic reviews, and opinion pieces. This journal offers accelerated publication.

    Partial Access
  3. Immunotherapy

    Publish open access in this journal

    A MEDLINE-indexed, peer-reviewed journal offering the scientific community an interdisciplinary forum, providing them with information on the most recent advances of various aspects of immunotherapies, in a concise format to aid navigation of this complex field. This journal offers accelerated publication.

    Partial Access
  4. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics

    Publish open access in this journal
    July Update: JBSD was closed to new submissions for 3 months while the Editors processed a large number of papers submitted to the journal this year. This work and technical improvements are well underway and the submission site will re-open in the near future, with a new Aims & Scope outlining more clearly areas of interest.
    Partial Access