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Journal overview

The Australasian Philosophical Review is a general journal of philosophy in Open Peer Commentary format. It publishes significant and controversial invited lead articles by authors from all areas of philosophy, together with invited and open peer commentaries on those invited lead articles, and lead authors' responses to all of these commentaries. Each issue has a different curator, (chosen by a committee of the Australasian Association of Philosophy). The curator, in conjunction with an issue committee established by the curator, is responsible for the choice of the author of the invited lead article and the authors of the invited commentaries. The curator and the issue committee also select open peer commentaries following a rigorous, anonymized review process. In order to submit an open peer commentary for consideration for publication in an issue, potential authors must first sign up to the APR Commentary Community, at ("register as a commentator").

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Dan Zahavi
Article |
David Braddon-Mitchell et al.
Article Commentary |
Huw Price
Article Commentary |
Christoph Hoerl
Article Commentary |
Jenann Ismael
Article |
Andrew Benjamin
Introduction |
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Australasian Journal of Philosophy

The Australasian Journal of Philosophy is one of the world's leading philosophy journals covering topics like general philosophical literature and history.

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