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Journal overview

Ethics and Social Welfare publishes articles of a critical and reflective nature concerned with the ethical issues surrounding social welfare practice and policy. It has a particular focus on social work (including practice with individuals, families and small groups), social care, youth and community work and related professions.

The aim of the journal is to encourage dialogue and debate across social, intercultural and international boundaries on the serious ethical issues relating to professional interventions into social life. Through this we hope to contribute towards deepening understandings and further ethical practice in the field of social welfare.

The journal welcomes material in a variety of formats, including high quality peer-reviewed academic papers, reflections, debates and commentaries on policy and practice, book reviews and review articles. We actively encourage a diverse range of contributions from academic and field practitioners, voluntary workers, service users, carers and people bringing the perspectives of oppressed groups.

Contributions might include reports on research studies on the influence of values and ethics in social welfare practice, education and organisational structures, theoretical papers discussing the evolution of social welfare values and ethics, linked to contemporary philosophical, social and ethical thought, accounts of ethical issues, problems and dilemmas in practice, and reflections on the ethics and values of policy and organisational development.

The journal aims for the highest standards in its published material. All contributions should demonstrate and promote an anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive approach to the discussion and analysis of ethical issues. The board is aware of the range of disputed meanings applied to these terms, and intends to support a broad spectrum of views. However, the journal will not knowingly publish material that is oppressive or deliberately offensive in content or style. All material submitted to the journal is subject to a process of assessment and evaluation through the editors and through peer review.

Peer Review Integrity

All research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections, or supplements, have undergone rigorous peer review, this generally involves initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two independent reviewers.

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Latest issues

Current issue

Cover image for Ethics and Social Welfare, Volume 18, Issue 2
Volume 18, Issue 2, 2024

Ethics of Youth Work Practice in the Twenty-First Century: Change, Challenge and Opportunity; Guest editors: Catherine Forde, Sinead McMahon and Gunjan Wadhwa.

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