Journal overview

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International Communication is an established field of study taught widely around the world under a variety of names. Journal of International Communication (JIC) is a refereed journal the field of international communication calls its own and one that provides a forum for discussion for the various geo-academic approaches to the study of global communication. A variety of fields of study, including International Communication, International Relations, International Development, International Political Economy, Global Sociology, Media Anthropology, Media and Cultural Studies, and Post-colonial Studies nourish JIC .

The JIC is a scholarly journal that focuses on global issues concerning communication that are not circumscribed by the national borders of states. JIC encourages the submission of papers, essays, review articles and book reviews that contribute to an inclusive process of international scholarly dialogue among the theories and findings of international communication scholarship. On occasion JIC invites opinion pieces from leading figures. JIC welcomes submissions that examine world communication from descriptive, critical and normative perspectives.

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Taylor & Francis is committed to peer-review integrity and upholding the highest standards of review. Once your paper has been assessed for suitability by the editor, articles will be independently peer reviewed by anonymous expert referees. Find out more about what to expect during peer review and read our guidance on publishing ethics.

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