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Journal overview

Terrorism as a tactic has been used by political and ideological actors and groups for thousands of years. Behavioral Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression addresses the complex causation and effects of terrorist activity by bringing together timely, scientifically and theoretically sound papers addressing terrorism from a behavioral science perspective. The Journal publishes empirical and theoretical papers, letters to the Editor and invited visionary pieces by leading experts in the field, which have a strong base in behavioral science research. The articles will also draw in insights from related disciplines, including anthropology, criminology, economics, history, political science, nonlinear dynamic systems, linguistics and sociology.

In particular, the Journal seeks to further the understanding of key questions within terrorism research, including:

• What are the conditions that lead to the use of terrorist tactics?
• How can future terrorist attacks be predicted?
• How can terrorist attacks be prevented, or at least reduced?
• How are terrorists recruited?
• How can would-be terrorists and potential supporters be diverted?
• What is the impact of terrorism on societies that have been attacked?
• What are the effects of counterterrorism efforts on societies where such efforts are ongoing?
• How can recovery from the effects of terrorism on individuals and groups be expedited?

Peer Review Integrity

All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to single anonymized peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees.


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