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Journal overview

Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy (JAPE) is concerned primarily with the developing economies within Pacific Asia and South Asia. It aims to promote greater understanding of the complex factors that have influenced and continue to shape the transformation of the diverse economies in this region. Studies on developed countries will be considered only if they have implications for the developing countries in the region.

The journal's editorial policy is to maintain a sound balance between theoretical and empirical studies. JAPE publishes research papers in economics but also welcomes papers that deal with economic issues using a multi-disciplinary approach. Submissions may range from overviews spanning the region or parts of it, to papers with a detailed focus on particular issues facing individual countries.

JAPE has a broad readership, which makes papers concerned with narrow and detailed technical matters inappropriate for inclusion. In addition, papers should not be simply one more application of a formal model or statistical technique used elsewhere. Authors should note that discussion of results must make sense intuitively, and relate to the institutional and historical context of the geographic area analyzed. We particularly ask authors to spell out the practical policy implications of their findings for governments and business.

In addition to articles, JAPE publishes short notes, comments and book reviews. From time to time, it also publishes special issues on matters of great importance to economies in the Asia Pacific area.

Peer Review Statement

All research articles in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymous double-anonymized refereeing by two referees.

"JAPE will deal with the most important problems facing the most important growth area in the world. It promises to be a good guide for entry into the next millennium"

Professor Paul Streeten, United Nations Development Programme

"There is an important need for a forum of this kind in the changing world economy, and I am therefore delighted that JAPE has been launched"

Professor Amartya Sen, Department of Economics and Philosophy, Harvard University

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