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Journal overview

The Journal of Intercultural Communication Research (JICR) is a publication of the World Communication Association. JICR seeks submissions exploring the dynamic interplay between culture and communication and the symbolic facets of cultural interaction in direct or mediated contexts using a broad spectrum of methodological perspectives. JICR is deeply committed to contributing to the culture and communication therory and providing insights that have real-world applications for practitioners, communities, and individuals engaged in cross-cultural and intercultural communication. Therefore, we encourage authors to consider the potential impact of their research and to articulate the theoretical contribution and practical applications of their findings by indetifiying specific ways that the findings can be used by counselors, international educators, communities, and professionals engaged with intercultural scholarship. Also, we value well-structured and visually engaging submissions and expect the manuscripts to adhere to the Taylor & Francis submission template. 

  JICR values inclusivity and encourages submissions from diverse cultural backgrounds and perspectives through original research, replication studies, meta-analyses, systematic reviews, theoretical essays and case studies. JICR also encourages submissions employing innovative and less-represented methodologies, enriching our understanding of intercultural communication. 

Our review process involved a double -anonymized review by at least two experts chosen for their familiarity with the manuscript's subject matter and methodology. JICR also publishes special issues that focus on contemporary themes in intercultural communication. On special occasions or in special editions, the Editor may invite authors with particular expertise to submit manuscripts for publication. In such cases, the publication decision rests with the Editor. Such manuscripts are designated as "Invited". 

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