Journal overview

International Journal of Philosophy and Theology publishes scholarly articles and reviews that concern the intersection between philosophy and theology. It aims to stimulate the creative discussion between various traditions, for example the analytical and the continental traditions. Articles should exhibit high-level scholarship but should be readable for those coming from other philosophical traditions. Fields of interest are: philosophy, especially philosophy of religion, metaphysics, and philosophical ethics, and systematic theology, for example fundamental theology, dogmatic and moral theology. Contributions focusing on the history of these disciplines are also welcome, especially when they are relevant to contemporary discussions. Overspecialization should be avoided; in principle, all articles should be relevant to the wider scholarly community. Scholarly literature surveys and longer critical book notes are also welcome.

In an effort not to lose sight of its origin, the journal continues to focus primarily on articles that are relevant to Western philosophical and theological tradition(s). Moreover, while most articles are in English, the journal occasionally publishes some articles in Dutch. In that case an English summary is provided. Founded in 1938 by Jesuit academics the International Journal of Philosophy and Theology (formerly Bijdragen) has since evolved into an open and independent journal from the Low Countries.

Peer review policy:

Articles in this journal are subject to double anonymized peer review by at least two referees.

Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.

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Cover image for Philosophische en Theologische Faculteiten der Nederlandsche Jezuieten, Volume 84, Issue 5
Volume 84, Issue 5, 2023

Should moral commitments be articulated? A symposium with Nicholas Adams on the risks of moral dialogue