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Journal overview

The Journal on the Use of Force and International Law (JUFIL) is a new peer reviewed journal covering all aspects of the law governing the use of force (jus ad bellum), as distinct from other areas of international law relating to security issues, such as International Humanitarian Law or International Criminal Law. The Journal aims to provide a forum for top quality international research into all facets of the law governing the use of force, covering issues such as the nature and scope of the inherent right of self-defence, the use of force authorised by the UN Security Council and force employed for humanitarian purposes. As such, it has a focused mandate, whilst engaging with the 'jus ad bellum' broadly defined, ensuring a wide appeal.

In addition to publishing research of the highest quality and impact, of both a theoretical and more practical nature, the Journal will support the conducting of research, through a digest of state practice on the use of force - a relatively unique feature for an international law journal - which will act as a key means of assessing the development of customary international law in the area. The Journal also features book reviews that significantly engage with the key works in the field.
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Christian Schaller
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Florian Kriener et al.
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Russell Buchan et al.
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