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Journal overview

Editorial board

Auditory Perception & Cognition seeks to bring together outstanding examples of auditory science across disciplines within one publication. It is unique in its consideration of work with either a basic or applied research focus that can target any level of processing (i.e., low-level perceptual to high-level cognitive), theoretical perspective (e.g., constructivist v. ecological) and methodology (e.g. neurophysiological v. behavioral/psychophysical; quantitative v. observational).

The journal fills an important gap between general perceptual and cognitive journals that infrequently feature auditory work and highly specialized auditory publications that do not attract wide readership outside the author’s immediate domain. In this way, AP&C fosters interdisciplinary discussion of concepts that could have more general implications.

Likely contributors include perceptual and cognitive research psychologists, neuroscientists, speech and hearing scientists and musicologists, in addition to individuals working in other specialty areas. Topics can include, but are not limited to, localization, motion perception, spatial cognition, event and pattern perception, aurally guided action and navigation, auditory scene analysis and source identification, attention, perception of time, pitch, loudness, timbre, music perception, cognition and performance, speech and language, auditory learning, memory and expertise, multi-modal integration, computational modeling, and comparative auditory processing, as well as neuroscientific evaluations/applications in any of these areas.

Published articles will reflect a combination of empirical reports and theoretical evaluations, as well as brief reports and commentaries.

All papers submitted to the journal undergo the same submission and peer review process.

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