Journal overview

Researching performance, anticipating tendencies, mapping practices, documenting processes, stimulating inquiry, performing research.

Since 1996 Performance Research has set a precedent that has become standard for thematic and cross-disciplinary ways of bringing together the varied materials of artistic and theoretical research in the expanded field of performance. Working closely with designers, artists, academics, theorists, performance practitioners and writers Performance Research resists disconnected, disembodied, and disinterested forms of scholarship. We prefer instead the possibilities of imagining the journal as a dynamic space of performance that produces inspiring conversations, unlikely connections, and curious confluences. Our emphasis on contemporary performance arts within changing cultures and technologies is reflected in the interdisciplinary vision and international scope of the journal. Performance Research continues to combine writings and works for the page in an interplay of analysis, anecdote, polemic and criticism; interweaving the oblique with the conflicting, the pivotal with the resistant, and the eclectic with the indispensable.

All research articles published in this journal have undergone rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening (by the guest editor), refereeing by at least two referees, and consultation with the journal editors and board.

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