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Journal overview

Body, Movement and Dance in Psychotherapy is an international, peer-reviewed journal publishing articles related to embodiment in psychotherapy. It is the only scholarly journal wholly dedicated to the growing fields of body psychotherapy, somatic psychology and dance movement psychotherapy. The importance of the role of the body and movement in manifesting expression, insight and change and in promoting recovery is increasingly being recognized in fields such as neuro and cognitive sciences and psychology. The journal encourages broad and in-depth discussion of issues relating to research activities, theory, clinical practice, professional development and personal reflections.

Topics in forthcoming issues

Body Psychotherapy and Dance Movement Therapy as these areas relate to the following:
Systematic reviews; Randomized controlled trials; Qualitative Research; Arts-based inquiry; Assessment, Observation and evaluation; Children and adolescents; Families; Couples; Touch; Trauma; Body image and identity; Training and supervision; The limits and opportunities of the body; The sacred and the body; Mind-body inter-relationship; The Arts therapies.

Book Reviews

If you would like to send a book for review, or you have a review you would like to submit, please click here for further details.


Essential reading for all body psychotherapists, somatic psychologists, dance movement psychotherapists and creative arts therapists. It also provides important material for all mental and physical health professionals (such as psychiatrists, psychologists, psychotherapists, counsellors, general and mental health nurses, social workers, occupational therapists, physiotherapists and those working in rehabilitation, pain management, head injury and stroke) with a particular interest in the dynamic interface between body and mind.

Peer Review Integrity

All research articles in this journal, including those in special issues, special sections or supplements, have undergone rigorous anonymized peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two independent referees. Submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts.


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