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Journal overview

CyTA – Journal of Food  is a fully open-access journal covering the science, engineering, and technology of foods.

CyTA – Journal of Food's  diverse Editorial Board works collaboratively with authors to ensure that every published manuscript is of the highest quality. Authors receive timely and constructive reports designed to improve their work and will benefit from the generous time and expertise of each reviewer. To help speed up your review we ask that all authors provide an accurate and complete response to the reviewers’ comments on their submission.

CyTA – Journal of Food  aims to reach a final ACCEPT/REJECT decision in no more than 90 days for 90% of the submissions received.

CyTA – Journal of Food  publishes research of high scientific value covering chemistry, microbiology, nutrition, engineering, and sensory aspects of foods. The following are examples of topics published as original research, critical reviews, or brief reports defined as a short/rapid announcement of research results. There are no page limits but reviews exceeding 10,000 words are discouraged.

Food Chemistry

  • Chemical reactions and analysis
  • Functional aspects of food components and additives
  • Shelf life and changes during processing and storage
  • Chemical safety assessment and control

Food Microbiology and Biotechnology

  • Genomics, proteomics, and other emerging omics technologies
  • Microbial analysis methods
  • Conventional and emerging quantitative microbiology
  • Microbial safety and quality innovations
  • Microbial quality control innovations
  • Characterization and control of microbial toxins

Food Nutrition and Sensory Assessment

  • Nutritional and physiological characterization and analysis
  • Production and characterization of additives with health benefits
  • Extraction and characterization of natural products with health benefits
  • Control and safety of allergen and other consumption disorders
  • Sensory analysis and consumer preferences

Food Engineering, Processing, and Technology

  • Emerging and conventional processing and engineering technologies
  • Engineering and technology innovations
  • Packaging science and engineering

Emerging Topics in Food Science, Engineering, and Technology

  • Security, sustainability, and circular economy
  • Manufacturing and characterization of plant-based products, components, and additives
  • Artificial Intelligence for applications in manufacturing, formulation, and quality control
  • Innovations in 3D printing technology and applications
  • Cellular agriculture and other novel production technologies
  • Alternative sources of food, ingredients, and additives

The journal operates a single-anonymized peer-review policy.

All articles are made freely and permanently available online through  gold open access publication.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.

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