Journal overview

" Technology & Innovation , edited and published by the National Academy of Inventors®, is a multidisciplinary journal dedicated to providing a forum for innovative discourse. Authors should be guided by the interest of the readers who are likely to be knowledgeable non-specialist scholars. Articles deal with a wide range of topics including:

• Presenting information encompassing the entire field of applied sciences

• Fostering the inventive spirit through education and mentorship

• Creating an inclusive innovative culture

• The process of innovation and invention

• Technology transfer in an academic setting

• Environmental (including human health) impact of various technologies

• Advances in transformative technology and translational science

• Critical assessments of specific segments of science, engineering, medicine, or other technologies

• Economics of technology, governmental and policy action, and innovation as related to intellectual property

• Historical, societal, ethical, and related aspects of science, engineering, medicine, or technology"

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