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Journal overview

Editorial board

Critical Insights in Geochemistry and Geophysics (CIGG) is a selective, Open Access, interdisciplinary journal that publishes quality, forward-thinking, impactful scientific research on chemical and physical processes that govern the evolution of Earth and planetary systems.

The scope of the journal is divided into 5 key sections:

  • Inorganic geochemistry and geochronology
  • Organic geochemistry and geobiology
  • Solid Earth geophysics and tectonics
  • Ocean- Atmospheric system and climate
  • Planetary geoscience for exploration and habitation

CIGG welcomes contributions that use either geochemical or geophysical methods (or a mixture of both) to bring new insights into how earth and planetary science systems operate and interconnect, from the inner core to the outer atmosphere. Both modern studies of Earth and planetary systems and studies exploring systems change across deep time are considered.

1. What are the Critical Insights Journals

From the latest research to championing new thinking and new approaches. The Critical Insights journals select you the research you need to know that shapes the future of your field.
Advancing research through quality, trust, impact, and partnership.

2. Why choose a Critical Insights journal?

We're dedicated to ensuring your research receives the attention it deserves. Our Commitment to you is:

  • Quick Decisions – your manuscript will be assessed within 7 days. If it will not be sent to review, we will tell you as soon as possible so you can transfer or submit elsewhere without delays.
  • Quality Reviews – we are the gatekeepers of true and trusted content. Our Editors will inform you why we made our decision (rather than just saying no) and provide advice on how to improve your manuscript.
  • Experts – like you, the journal is part of the community. Our Editors and Referees know the field and community and put that at the centre of everything we do and the decisions we make.
  • Best Paper Forward – our staff, rather than a machine, will copyedit your paper, so the published work is as clear and accessible as possible. Figures (and images) will be in a format that can easily re-used and shared.
  • Research in Context – we will work with you to create a summary of your work telling everyone (including your funder, supervisors, and colleagues) what you have done and what it means for your community. We call it a Critical Insights Summary.

From start to finish our aim is to provide guidance and publish as quickly as possible. Once your research is out there, we will enhance its readability, impact, and visibility so you can drive your community forward and enhance your career.

3.   Article Types

  • Research Articles – no limits on length or figures. Your article should be able to say what it needs so that the community understand your work and your findings. Open Research is key so methods should be complete, and data should be available so the community can replicate and build on the research.
  • Insights – review articles that help researchers (new or established) ‘ get up to speed’ in a particular area. Articles should be no more than 6,000 words long and review the last 5 years of work in a field and, most importantly, outline a future direction! Whilst these articles are commissioned only if you have an idea please contact the editor before submitting.
  • Commentaries – a personal view from a leader in the field that outlines the challenges the community faces and potential directions for research that overcome these challenges.
  • Methods – not all great work needs to have positive results or a conclusion. Sometimes the best work is around developing or optimizing a process, technique or protocol. These articles present, in detail, the new approach, improvement over previous methods, and the long-term impact this may have on the field.

4. The Critical Insights Vision

  • Quality – highly respected Editors, Boards and Referees who are committed to shaping their community and driving the field of research forward.
  • Trust – the work you see has been reviewed by our Editors so; as a Referee  you know that you are being asked to look at something good! And, as a Reader you know that our editors and referees are in the field and the published research is relevant, interesting, and can be trusted.
  • Impact – through Critical Insights Summaries you can quickly understand how a paper builds on, and advances, your field of research.
  • Partnership – We listen, our editors who are active members of the community, and want your feedback. Our aim is to make this the journal series you want, and need, it to be!
Read full aims and scope


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