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Journal overview

Please note, from 2022 the Print ISSN is not in active use as this journal is no longer published in print.

GIScience & Remote Sensing  is a fully open access journal publishing original, peer-reviewed articles associated with geographic information systems (GIS), remote sensing of the environment (including digital image processing), geocomputation, spatial data mining, and geographic environmental modelling. Papers reflecting both basic and applied research are published.

In support of reproducibility for all kinds of work, the journal requires that data and software used in the analysis be deposited in a repository that complies with the Open + FAIR policies of the COPDESS consortium.

Peer Review Statement

GIScience & Remote Sensing is an international, ranked, peer-reviewed journal which publishes original research contributions to scientific knowledge. The journal accepts the following type of article: research article, reviews, data notes and method articles.

All manuscript submissions are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review by independent, anonymous expert referees. All articles are made freely and permanently available online through gold open access publication.

All peer review is single anonymized and submission can be made online via Submission Portal.

*Please note that GIScience & Remote Sensing converted to a full Open Access journal from Volume 59 (2022).
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