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Journal overview

AJOB Empirical Bioethics is an international journal publishing empirical research in bioethics, including conceptual and ethical analyses.

AJOB Empirical Bioethics is a peer-reviewed sister publication to the American Journal of Bioethics.

The journal provides a forum for empirically informed scholarship in bioethics. AJOB Empirical Bioethicsbroadly construes empirical bioethics to include social scientific research applied to bioethical questions, health policy and health services research as it relates to bioethics, and other forms of original research.

Areas of interest include:

  • conceptual analyses of the role of empirical research in bioethics
  • discussions of empirical methods and how they “fit” with ethical discourse
  • ethical analyses and/or critiques of empirical research and research methodology

The journalwelcomes submissions that employ quantitative, qualitative, or mixed empirical methods from the broad range of disciplines relevant to bioethics inquiry. When in doubt, authors are encouraged to contact the Editor-in-Chief about whether a proposed manuscript is consistent with the journal’s mission.

The journal operates a double-anonymized peer review policy.

You can discover more about bioethics and the AJOB family through, which publishes InFocus articles, current news, and other features on emerging issues in bioethics.

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Associated journals

Journal cover image for AJOB Neuroscience

AJOB Neuroscience

AJOB Neuroscience examines ethics and the brain sciences, including the ethical, social and legal dimensions of neuroscience.

Partial Access
Journal cover image for The American Journal of Bioethics

The American Journal of Bioethics

The American Journal of Bioethics publishes research on social implications of clinical research, access to health services, and medical records and data.

Partial Access

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