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Journal overview

The American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis ( AJCH) is the official publication of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis (ASCH). The Journal publishes original scientific articles and clinical case reports on hypnosis, as well as books reviews and abstracts of the current hypnosis literature. The purview of AJCH articles includes multiple and single case studies, empirical research studies, models of treatment, theories of hypnosis, and occasional special articles pertaining to hypnosis. The membership of ASCH and readership of AJCH includes licensed health care professionals and university faculty in the fields of medicine, psychiatry, clinical social work, clinical psychology, dentistry, counseling, and graduate students in these disciplines. AJCH is unique among other hypnosis journals because its primary emphasis on professional applications of hypnosis.

Peer Review Policy: Unless otherwise indicated, all articles in this journal have undergone peer review, including review by the editorial staff and at least two independent reviewers.

Publication office:
Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106 .

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