Journal overview

The Journal of Environmental Education ( JEE) is a bimonthly, international forum for critical and constructive debate on all aspects of research, theory and praxis in environmental and sustainability education and related areas. The journal publishes refereed research papers that include quantitative, qualitative, mixed, and post-qualitative, as well as philosophical and theoretical analyses. JEE also invites work that employs alternative research approaches, such as posthuman and transhuman research, transgressive inquiry, diffractive analysis, social cartography, and other innovative lines of inquiry.

Manuscripts that address the educational challenges of the third decade of the twenty-first century are encouraged, including to existing theoretical discourses and connections of theory and practice. They may be disciplinary or interdisciplinary, and while many will come from within the discipline of environmental and sustainability education, others will come from related fields, such as, for example, environmental sciences, food production, health sciences, ecological economics, sustainable transportation, and ecological architecture. However, it is necessary that manuscripts have an educational or pedagogical focus, and situate the work historically within the extant literature of environment/sustainability and education.

JEE covers all levels of education, from early childhood to higher and vocational education, formal, informal and non-formal education.

In making a submission, please include a 150-word abstract and 3 to 6 keywords (excluding "environmental" or "education"). In addition, delete any information that identifies you as author or co-author; this includes bibliographical references, project identifiers, funding sources, and thank you and appreciation notes.

Contributors are invited to submit manuscripts in the following categories:

Empirical research

Research articles will include a clear statement of the research context (including the geographical, social, and environmental place of the research), and a statement of the research problem addressed in relation to relevant and contemporary international environmental and sustainability education literature. Authors are advised to set out the background in formulating their research questions and include a description and justification of the research methodology and data collection methods. Data findings are to be presented clearly for an international audience. Critical analysis and discussion of results in light of contemporary research should be articulated. Recommendations or implications for policy and/or practice are encouraged as relevant to the research context. To be published, submissions must advance the contemporary theory and/or practice of environmental or sustainability education. Papers are judged on their merit as demonstrations of sound scholarship across diverse methodological and representational approaches for broad audiences of primarily scholars and policymakers.

Critical essays

Substantial, critical essays related to contemporary or historical matters in environmental and sustainability-related education research will be considered by the journal. Essays may include critical and coherent analyses and discussions of philosophies, theories, perspectives, and educational research directions that serve to enhance international understanding of the field.

Policy analyses

Policy analyses that articulate the representational approach taken and clearly describe and analyse the context and place of environmental and sustainability education policy development, implementation and enactment will be considered by the journal. Critical analysis, discussion and synthesis of results in light of contemporary policy research is encouraged.

Literature reviews

Formal literature reviews are a useful addition to the research literature in the field. Original reviews that enhance knowledge in and of an identified area of research will be considered by the journal. Literature reviews must be of a recognised methodological type and include a comprehensive and contemporary analysis of published research on a well-defined topic. The review can enumerate, describe, summarize, evaluate, and clarify a chosen body of previous research in light of a research stance or purposeful research questions.

Program evaluations

Program evaluations of innovative advances are welcome. Educational evaluations must follow a recognised set of procedures: They should describe the place, purpose, and intent of the educational program; document and analyse the context(s), processes, and outcomes; and include a discussion of how insights may be transferable to other educational and cultural contexts as relevant.

Book and media reviews

Book and media reviews may address educational materials such as books, films, videos, software, and games. The journal welcomes review submissions in the form of either a critical review or a scholarly review. Either will discuss the material's strengths, gaps, and weaknesses, in addition to specifics pertaining to each type of review.

Critical reviews (up to 1500 words) will adopt a critical and analytical approach to reflect on the ideas and themes of a book or other educational material. This may include a critical analysis of the author's intent, ideas and writing technique, as well as the book's thematic elements, methodology, interpretations, and conclusions. The review will make connections to broader scholarship of relevance to the topic.

Scholarly reviews (up to 6000 words) are research-based pieces written by scholars for scholars. Reviews will adopt a theoretical research-based, critical, and analytical approach to analyse, interpret, and evaluate the published ideas and themes. They can be wide ranging in scope and will relate the work under discussion to other published literature and educational materials and ideas, as well as analyse in depth the methodology, interpretations and conclusions of the works under review.

Authors can choose to publish gold open access in this journal.

Read the Instructions for Authors for information on how to submit your article.

Read full aims and scope

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Cover image for Environmental Education, Volume 55, Issue 2
Volume 55, Issue 2, 2024

Special Edition on the Praxis and Imaginary of Environmental and Sustainability Education in the Capitalocene: Part II