Journal overview

The Journal of Library Administration informs readers on research, current developments, and trends related to the leadership and management of libraries. In today’s global environment, library administrators must make complex and challenging decisions to help institutions achieve the identified mission, vision and goals.

This highly readable journal publishes up-to-the-minute information that library and information professionals and paraprofessionals in public, academic, special, and corporate environments need to efficiently and effectively lead and manage toward the overall objective of community and stakeholder support.

Within this context, the Journal of Library Administration features articles by the most highly regarded professionals in the field as related to leadership, management, evaluation, assessment, marketing, and more to promote organizational success. This involves all aspects of public and technical operations, information technology and management, access to information in all formats and delivery options, physical and virtual environments, and organizational behavior.

Peer Review Policy: All articles in the Journal of Library Administration have undergone editorial screening and peer review.

Publication office: Taylor & Francis, Inc., 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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