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Journal overview

Journal of Sustainable Forestry publishes peer-reviewed, original research on forest science. While the emphasis is on sustainable use of forest products and services, the journal covers a wide range of topics from the underlying biology and ecology of forests to the social, economic and policy aspects of forestry. Short communications and review papers that provide a clear theoretical, conceptual or methodological contribution to the existing literature are also included in the journal.

Common topics covered in the Journal of Sustainable Forestry include:

• Ecology, management, recreation, restoration and silvicultural systems of all forest types, including urban forests
• All aspects of forest biology, including ecophysiology, entomology, pathology, genetics, tree breeding, and biotechnology
• Wood properties, forest biomass, bioenergy, and carbon sequestration
• Simulation modeling, inventory, quantitative methods, and remote sensing
• Environmental pollution, fire and climate change impacts, and adaptation and mitigation in forests
• Forest engineering, economics, human dimensions, natural resource policy, and planning

Journal of Sustainable Forestry provides an international forum for dialogue between research scientists, forest managers, economists and policy and decision makers who share the common vision of the sustainable use of natural resources.

Peer Review Statement: All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor, and, if found suitable for further consideration, to peer review. All peer review is single-anonymized and submission is online via ScholarOne Manuscripts.

If an author is uncertain about the relevance of his/her manuscript to the Journal of Sustainable Forestry , the authors are encouraged to send an abstract to the editor at [email protected].

Publication office: Taylor & Francis Group, LLC, 530 Walnut Street, Suite 850, Philadelphia, PA 19106.

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