Journal overview

The Imaging Science Journal is the official scientific journal of The Royal Photographic Society, supported by the Society's Imaging Science Group. It covers exclusively both fundamental and applied scientific aspects of imaging. The content of the journal includes most areas of activity concerned with analogue chemical, electronic, digital and hybrid imaging systems. Within the context and scope of the journal the term imaging is taken to mean: the recording and visualisation of information recorded from radiation of any kind, emitted from, reflected by, or otherwise affected by an object. The recording media include photochemical, electronic and any other media for recording, manipulation, display or transfer of images and includes moving, or time-based imaging, as well as still imaging.

Subject areas include, but are not limited to:

•Aerospace Imaging
•Applications and Display
•Colour Reproduction
•Consumer Imaging
•Detectors and Sensors
•Digitisation and Storage
•Forensic Imaging
•Hard copy output
•High Speed Imaging
•Holography and 3-D imaging
•Image Acquisition
•Imaging: mechanisms,
modelling and properties
•Image Processing
•Image Quality
•Image Security
•Input/Output Devices
•Machine Vision
•Media Life Expectancy
•Medical Imaging
•Metrology and Metrics
•Multispectral Imaging
•Psychometric Scaling Methods
•Vision and Imaging

In all the above areas the balance of the contribution must be on the science of imaging and its applications, rather than on computational or software aspects that relate more directly to computer science, or on areas such as medical diagnosis.

Peer Review Policy

All submitted manuscripts are subject to initial appraisal by the Editor. If found suitable for further consideration, papers are subject to peer review by independent, anonymous expect referees. All peer-review is single anonymized.

Publishing Ethics

The journal adheres to the highest standards of publishing ethics, with rigorous processes in place to ensure this is achieved. Taylor & Francis is a member of Committee of Publications Ethics (COPE) and utilises CrossCheck for all Journals. More information on our ethical standards and policies can be found here:

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