Special issues

Browse all special issues from Critical Inquiry in Language Studies.

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Centering Southern Perspectives in Translanguaging Research
Volume 20, Issue 3, 2023 pages 205-303
Alternatives to neoliberal foreign language education
Volume 19, Issue 4, 2022 pages 307-399
Politics of Research in Language Education
Volume 15, Issue 4, 2018 pages 231-310
Re-examining and Re-envisioning Criticality in Language Studies
Volume 14, Issue 2-3, 2017 pages 129-261
Daisaku Ikeda and Language
Volume 9, Issue 1-2, 2012 pages 1-164
Micro-Interactional Constructions of Power and Identity
Volume 7, Issue 2-3, 2010 pages 83-235
Immigration, Language, and Education
Volume 6, Issue 1-2, 2009 pages 1-112

Special issue information

CILS publishes one special issue each year through an unsolicited submission or an open call.

The next open call submission deadline is Jan. 1 for publication in 2025.

Guidelines for special issue proposals:

  • Special issue proposals (maximum 5 pages in length, following APA7th edition guidelines) should articulate a specific topic and/or area of the field of critical applied linguistics and articulate a clear connection to the aims and scope of the journal.
  • Proposals should include the following sections:
    • General Description of the Issue and Potential Contribution to the Field
    • List of Contributors and Abstracts
    • Proposed timeline
    • Qualifications of the Guest Editor(s), including a current CV
  • Suggested number of manuscripts is 4 (inclusive of Guest Editorial introduction); each special issue can include a maximum of 115 pages (maximum of 25 pages per article, inclusive of all figures, tables and references);
  • All manuscripts must undergo double-blind peer review by a minimum of 3 qualified reviewers;
  • After undergoing the above review process, the issue is subject to final editorial review, which potentially includes rejection; and,
  • Should any manuscript be rejected by the CILS editorial team, it may be invited to be revised and resubmitted to a regular issue.

For more information about special issues, please contact the editors.