Special issues

Browse all special issues from Language and Education.

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Re-Exploring Translanguaging in Teacher Education
Volume 37, Issue 5, 2023 pages 551-673
Towards a Multilingual Turn in Teacher Professionalization
Volume 36, Issue 5, 2022 pages 399-486
Regimes of academic writing
Volume 32, Issue 6, 2018 pages 471-562
Analyzing Literacy Education – The Scandinavian Scene
Volume 31, Issue 5, 2017 pages 395-478
Making space for multilingualism in Australian schooling
Volume 30, Issue 4, 2016 pages 289-382
Language deficit revisited
Volume 27, Issue 2, 2013 pages 95-189
Digital literacies
Volume 26, Issue 4, 2012 pages 271-382
Literacies and sites of learning
Volume 26, Issue 2, 2012 pages 99-182
Sustaining Local Literacies
Volume 8, Issue 1-2, 1994 pages 1-ebi
Sustaining Local Literacies
Volume 8, Issue 3, 1994 pages 105-ebi
Language, Culture and Education
Volume 6, Issue 2-4, 1992 pages 82-ebi

Special issue information

Call for Special Issue Proposals 2026

Language and Education (L&E) is inviting proposals from prospective guest editors for a special issue(s) (SI) to appear in the journal in 2026.

Before you submit a proposal, please read the following guide carefully. If you have any questions, please contact the Co-Editor-in-Chiefs (EICs), Rita Silver ( [email protected]) and Dongbo Zhang ( [email protected]).

SI Proposal Preparation

1. Prepare a 2-3 page proposal, setting out the aims of SI and describing how the special issue has come about/would move things forward in relation to the existing literature. Make sure the SI proposal fits within the overall aims and scope of the journal, which can be found on the journal’s website as follows.


2. Bio for the proposed editor(s).

3. Details of the papers to consider if you already have some papers in mind: title and abstract, author and affiliation.

4. A call for papers (CFP) to be posted online for an open call.

5. A timeline for completion including date to post CFP, date for potential authors to submit abstracts, date for SI editor initial decision (for proposed abstracts to submit full articles) targeted initial submission date for full articles, time for review (allow 3-6 months) and author revision. Note that from open call to final decisions likely takes one year.

SI proposals, including all elements above, should be emailed to the EICs by July 31st 2024.

Examples of previous SIs published in L&E can be found on the website of the journal.

Review of SI Proposals

SI proposals are first reviewed by the EICs and then, if not rejected at that stage, sent for comment to the Editorial Board. Depending on comments from the Editorial Board and the EICs, the SI proposal might be rejected, accepted, or asked to revise.

Decision will be made and the accepted proposal(s) announced by September 30th 2024.